Date: Wednesday, 02 October 2019
Time: 18:30 - 20:00 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)      

Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.14  BDB 0919/1

How can I participate in this meeting?

Comment participer a cette teleconference?

Conference ID: FR 1838 / EN 1638

Zoom room:

Action Items: EN 

Transcript: EN, FR

Recording:  ENFR 

Zoom Chat:  EN


FR:  Etienne Tshishimbi, Minata Zong-Naba, Bakary Kouyate, Gabriel Bombambo Boseko, Fanny Salyou, Helen , Aziz Hilali, 

EN: Mohamed ElBashir,  Seun  OjedejiHelen Omoragbon, Mistura Aruna, Remmy Nweke, Moriam Omowunmi Sulaimon, Nkem Nweke, Barrack Otieno, Vernatius Okwu Ezeama, Joanna Kulesza, Omar Shuran, Abdalmonem Galila, Ben Kyemba, Haroun Mahamat Cherif, Tijani Ben Jemma, Yaovi Atohoun, Sarata Omane, Balutife Adisa, Abdulkarim 

Apologies: Olivier Kouami, Mary Uduma, Jonathan Zuck, Pastor Peters Omoragbon,

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Claudia Ruiz

FR Interpreters: Isabelle and Camila

Call Management: Claudia Ruiz


  1. Roll call (Staff) – 2 min
  2. Review of action items from previous meeting (Mohamed, Fatimata, Sarah, Staff) – 3 min
  3. Introduction to the At-Large Policy Platform - Jonathan Zuck - 5 min
  4. Open ICANN Public Comments (Mohamed) – 5 min

At-Large Policy Resources

At-Large Capacity Building Workshop - An Introduction to Policy Development at ICANN
2019 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
At-Large Policy Summary
At-Large Executive Summary page
Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic

Recently Ratified by the ALAC 

Proposed Definition of Name Collisions and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collisions Analysis Project
The ALAC considers the issue of Name Collision in the DNS an area of importance for the minimization of unintended consequences for Internet end users. The ALAC appreciates the need to have a Name Collision definition for purposes of scoping the inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP), in order for the NCAP Study One to be manageable and on point, and therefore supports the Proposed Definition of Name Collision and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project of 1 July 2019. Of particular importance to us are:

(1) The recognition and inclusion of Type B situations (ie. B. In scope but not intended to be the subject of data studies) which provides built-in peripheral consideration of such situations with decision for examination through data analysis at a later stage if a compelling case were to arise within Study One; and

(2) The possibility of amending the Definition of Name Collision and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project should further pertinent information come to light at a later stage either through the ongoing work of the NCAP DG, NCAP Working Party and/or input obtained from the party/ies eventually contracted to undertake NCAP Study One.  

Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System
The ALAC strongly supports the overall proposal and appreciates the opportunity to comment. The RSS, according to RRSAC37, needs to evolve so it remains a reliable, resilient, and sustainable service in the face of increasing traffic and cyberattacks. However, the ALAC finds it difficult to accept that ICANN is not considered a primary stakeholder with regard to the RSS, given that the Domain Name System and its reliable and trusted operation is a prime reason for ICANN’s existence. The ALAC also encourages that Internet users, the ultimate user and beneficiary of the DNS, should be listed as having a stake in the existence and evolution of the RSS.

The financial model is also of some concern to the ALAC. No figures are provided to allow even order-of-magnitude estimates. It is surely time that we begin to understand exactly what level of funding will be required and hypothesize on where such funding will come from.

Draft Financial Assumptions & Projections and Operating Initiatives for the development of Fiscal Years 2021-2025 Operating & Financial Plan
The ALAC considered the Draft Financial Assumptions, Projections and Operating Initiatives, and offered comments on the following topics among others: 

Public Comment for Decision


Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close




Amazon Public Interest Commitments (PICs) 2019

See: Presentation by Marita Moll


Invitation to Provide Feedback on the ICANN Board’s Proposed Public Interest Framework

See: GPI Toolkit


Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) Accepted Recommendations – Plan for Implementation and Next Steps


4. Reports

a. Recent and upcoming ALAC activities (Tijani, Seun, Hadia) – 5 min

b. Recent and upcoming AFRALO/ALS activities (All)  - 5 min

c. Universal Acceptance (UA) (Galila) - 2 min

5. Updates/Items for discussion

       a. Update and discuss on ATLAS III and AFRALO participation (Fatimata) - 5 min

       b. Visa status update for ATLAS funded travelers (AFRALO Leadership) - 3 min

       c. AFRALO Newsletter update (Remmy Kouami, Olivier Kouami, Sarah) - 5 min

          See sample

6. New At-Large Structure (ALS) & individual member applications (Sarah, Mohamed, Fatimata) – 5 min

     ALS applications


     Individual membership applications

    AFRALO Observer to confirm membership status.

7. AOB – 5 min

Ordre du Jour (Français) 

  1. L'appel - Liste de Présence(Personnel) – 2 min
  2. Revue des mesures de suivi de la réunion précédente (Mohamed, Fatimata, Sarah) – 5 min
  3. Introduction à la plate-forme de stratégie At-Large - Jonathan Zuck & Joanna Kulesza
    Presentation TBD
  4. . Ouverture des commentaires publics d' ICANN (Mohamed) – 5 min

At-Large Ressources Directives

ALAC 2019 - Commentaires & Suggestions politiques
Résumé de ligne d'action At-Large
Résumé Exécutif At-large
Graphique d'evolution des recommendations des multi-parties prenantes

Récemment ratifié par l'ALAC

Proposed Definition of Name Collisions and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collisions Analysis Project
The ALAC considers the issue of Name Collision in the DNS an area of importance for the minimization of unintended consequences for Internet end users. The ALAC appreciates the need to have a Name Collision definition for purposes of scoping the inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP), in order for the NCAP Study One to be manageable and on point, and therefore supports the Proposed Definition of Name Collision and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project of 1 July 2019. Of particular importance to us are:

(1) The recognition and inclusion of Type B situations (ie. B. In scope but not intended to be the subject of data studies) which provides built-in peripheral consideration of such situations with decision for examination through data analysis at a later stage if a compelling case were to arise within Study One; and

(2) The possibility of amending the Definition of Name Collision and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project should further pertinent information come to light at a later stage either through the ongoing work of the NCAP DG, NCAP Working Party and/or input obtained from the party/ies eventually contracted to undertake NCAP Study One.  

Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System
The ALAC strongly supports the overall proposal and appreciates the opportunity to comment. The RSS, according to RRSAC37, needs to evolve so it remains a reliable, resilient, and sustainable service in the face of increasing traffic and cyberattacks. However, the ALAC finds it difficult to accept that ICANN is not considered a primary stakeholder with regard to the RSS, given that the Domain Name System and its reliable and trusted operation is a prime reason for ICANN’s existence. The ALAC also encourages that Internet users, the ultimate user and beneficiary of the DNS, should be listed as having a stake in the existence and evolution of the RSS.

The financial model is also of some concern to the ALAC. No figures are provided to allow even order-of-magnitude estimates. It is surely time that we begin to understand exactly what level of funding will be required and hypothesize on where such funding will come from.

Draft Financial Assumptions & Projections and Operating Initiatives for the development of Fiscal Years 2021-2025 Operating & Financial Plan
The ALAC considered the Draft Financial Assumptions, Projections and Operating Initiatives, and offered comments on the following topics among others: 

Commentaire public pour décision

Déclarations actuelles (conseil, commentaire ou communication d'ALAC)

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close




Amazon Public Interest Commitments (PICs) 2019

See: Presentation by Marita Moll


Invitation to Provide Feedback on the ICANN Board’s Proposed Public Interest Framework

See: GPI Toolkit


Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) Accepted Recommendations – Plan for Implementation and Next Steps


4. Rapports

a. Activités récentes / à venir de l'ALAC (Tijani, Seun, Hadia) - 5 min

b. Activités récentes / à venir des membres d'AFRALO (tous) - 5 min

c. Universal Acceptance (UA) (Galila) - 2 min

5. Sujets de discussion

     a. Information et discussion sur ATLAS III et la participation d'AFRALO (Fatimata) - 5 min

     b. Mise à jour sur le processus d'obtention de visa pour les boursier ATLAS III (AFRALO) - 3 min

     c. A propos du bulletin d'information AFRALO (Remmy Nweke, Olivier Kouami, Sarah) - 5 min

         Voir modèle

6. Nouvelles demandes de Structure At-Large (ALS) et les candidatures individuelles (Sarah, Mohamed, Fatimata) - 5min

    Demandes d'ALS


   Les candidatures individuelles

   AFRALO Observateur pour confirmer le statut de membre.

7. Question diverses (tous) – 5 min