The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday, 3 May at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CEST

For other times:


Proposed Agenda for RDS PDP WG meeting on 3 May at 16.00 UTC:

  1. Roll Call / SOI
  2. Update from sub-teams - overview of final template (sub-team leads) - See

3. Review updated mind map (revised)
See RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-MindMap-2May 2016.pdf

4. Update from chair on latest version of work plan

5 Outreach to SO/ACs/SG/C to request early input (revised)
See RDS PDP - SO AC SG C Input Template - 2 May 2016 rev.pdf

6. Helsinki meeting planning

7. Confirm next steps & next meeting



AC Chat


Joining late: 

Apologies: Ayden Férdeline, Stefania Milan, Susan Prosser, Andrew Sullivan, Amr Elsadr, Richard Leaning, Peter Kimpian, Olevie Kouami

On audio only: None


Notes and Action Items

1.   Roll Call / SOI

2.   Update from sub-teams - overview of final template (sub-team leads) 

 - A couple of summaries still pending but will be added in the next couple of days
 - Quite a lot of information there to help bring WG members up to speed on inputs relevant to RDS requirements related to data elements

 - Excellent support from sub-team members and staff
 - For those who haven't participated in the discussion of purporse of registration data, the sub-team's output includes summaries of 30-40 documents relevant to the question of purpose
 - They include A29, 2009 European charter on fundamental data rights, the WHOIS RT 2012 was cited a lot in our work, the EWG recommendations was probably the most controversial, and the SAC055 report was also helpful. If I was new to this, I would review those first but others summarized by the purpose team are also helpful for this question
- Additional comments from purpose sub-team members:
- Purpose is a term of art/legal term in the EU under the EU Data Protection Directive and others, it has been interpretted carefully by the A29 WP in a lengthy opinion. Doc is included in the list and was summarized by Stephanie
- Another member got the impression from the documents reviewed that the purpose definition was quite broad. We should all look at the text before we make judgments about how narrow/specific something is  

- Privacy team identified and summarized many documents - a good bit of overlap with the Purpose list but often summarized by different people from different perspectives, so useful to read all summaries of same input
- Among the inputs identified as most relevant by the sub-team are: SAC054, EWG recommendations, EU Data Protection Directive, Council of Europe's Treaty 108, Professor's Greenleaf's articles on trends and laws, A29 Opinion 2/2003 on the application of data protection principles to WHOIS directories, the Thick WHOIS PDP report and legal review provided to the implementation review team, other A29 correspondence with ICANN. Two additional inputs were flagged as highly relevant by some but not all agreed: Schrems v. Data Protection Commissioner (2015) and McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission.
- Additional comments from purpose sub-team members:
- Stephanie is still working on summary of A29 Opinion 6/2004 on the legitimate interests of data controllers w/r/t any impact that new EU data protection regulations may have on this opinion
- As additional documents become relevant to our work, they will need to be taken into account
- See Professor Greenleaf's article and summary for information on emerging trends as well as comprehensive list of data protection laws
- Purpose and Privacy overlap - can be helpful to look at purpose through the prism of DP laws
- Chat comments on this topic from other WG members:
- Data protection regulation will supplant the framework directive, not coexist with it.  (Once the regulation comes into force in 2018)
- Article 29 WP 76 Opinion 2/2003  is in the summaries and does say "registration of domain names by individuals raises different legal considerations than that of companies or other legal persons registering domain names" ... "the publication of certain information about the company or organisation (such as their identification and their physical address) is often a requirement by law in the framework of the commercial or professional activities they perform
- Should the privacy team should include more documents about limitations of privacy rights?  Article 29 WG in 2006 stated that companies do not necessarily have a right to privacy and that imposes an obligation on us to explore that limitation and others"
- Should the privacy team add some of the legal analysis that was presented to the PPSAI group?
- There are really two issues in the quesion: what data is needed (purpose of collecion will focus on why the information is collected) and then what of that information should be available - and to whom
- Does any data currently collected and disclosed via Whois meet the EU definition of "senstitive data"?
- It's not just the privacy of individuals that is protected under data protection laws, but of course, that of human rights groups, minority political groups, minority ethnic and sexual groups. This is covered in the privacy sub-team's summaries, which sub-team members may highlight after the call. 
- Should we make a distinction between personal data of individuals and data from a company or commercial enterprise?
- Re: privacy, UN’s website on Right to Privacy in the Digital Age states that the “right to privacy under international human rights law is not absolute” and one can interfere with the right to privacy where it’s necessary, legitimate, and proportional." and all I've read in A29 seems to support this
- Article 19 - Freedom of Expression extends to organizations as well as individuals (and many organizations are organized as "companies" for tax purposes).
- How does Freedom of Expression relate to registration data?
- Noted that protection of human rights is not included in the privacy group's summaries.
- Human rights protections must be considered, but constitutional proections vary from place to place and aren't universally adopted. 
- Are we conflating two principles? Question as to whether chat accurately reflects A29 Opinion. All WG members should review A29 opinions and all sub-team summaries of them.
- We may need to introduce some nuance into how we talk about individuals vs companies' right to privacy. 
- "Sensitive speech:" also has privacy protections, especially when the organizations are engaged in categories of expression protected under law.
- National law provides more rights to employees in some jurisdictions than in others....but that does not invalidate the principle that we must consider the implications of protection, use and disclosure on groups and individuals.

3.   Review updated mind map (revised)

4.  Update from chair on latest version of work plan

5   Outreach to SO/ACs/SG/C to request early input (revised)

Action item: Staff to distribute RDS PDP - SO AC SG C Input Template - 2 May 2016 rev.pdf  to full WG with until Sunday UTC for review/comment and agreement to go ahead a distribute to SOs/ACs/SGs/Cs. 

6.   Helsinki meeting planning

Action item: Staff to carry forward this feedback on conflict minimization - if GNSO would firm up its sessions, SOs/ACs could adjust accordingly - and to provide WG with scheduled session dates for this PDP WG.

7.   Confirm next steps & next meeting

Action item: Staff to schedule early leadership team meeting (possibly Wednesday of this week) to finalize draft work plan for distribution to full WG

Reference Documents




RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-MindMap-2May 2016.pdf 

RDS PDP - SO AC SG C Input Template - 2 May 2016 rev.pdf  

Latest versions of all sub-team outputs:

Membership of the sub-teams: