The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday, 20 April at 05:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

22:00 PDT (Tuesday), 01:00 EDT, 06:00 London, 07:00 CEST

For other times:

Proposed agenda for RDS PDP WG meeting on Wednesday, 20 April 05:00 UTC

1. Roll call / SOIs
2. Report from each small team: Privacy, Data, Purpose
   o Update on progress since last WG call (team leader)
   o Preliminary thoughts on which inputs summarized by your team are likely to be most helpful to this PDP and why (team members)
3. Confirm next steps and target date to complete small team outputs
4. Confirm next meeting date (Tuesday, 26 April  - may be used for small team calls)



AC Chat 


Apologies: Saymon Rhuano Dias de Andrade, Benny Samuelsen, Andrew Sullivan, Steven Metalitz, Don Blumenthal, Greg Aaron, Alan Greenberg, Daniel Nanghaka, Maryan Rizinski, Farell Folly

On audio only: none

Notes & Action items - 20 April 2016
1. Roll call / SOIs
2. Report from each small team: Privacy, Data, Purpose
Purpose team: See checklist circulated. A couple more documents are in the process of being reviewed, many have already been submitted. Aim to have everything completed in next 48 hours. Initial discussions have started on what are the most important documents and rationale for why these are the most important. These include so far:
Many of the other documents were interesting and somewhat related, but didn't specificly identify potential purposes. 
Action item #1: Sub-team to try and reach rough consensus in the next week on a list of the most important documents related to purpose
Action item #2: pull out some very short bullet points of the main value and points made in these most important document from the summaries
Data team: The lines between data and privacy and data and purpose aren't always clear in the documents reviewed. Issue of European Data Protection legislation has been flagged - moving target at the moment with new legislation under consideration. Most if not all documents have now been summarised. Initial discussions have started on what are the most important documents and rationale for why these are the most important. These include so far:
What are next steps? Fact that some things are still evolving, such as laws and regulation, it is something to be conscious of, but no need to worry about too much at this stage as some items only come back in later phases of the PDP.. 
Action item #3: Sub-team to try and reach rough consensus in the next week on a list of the most important documents related to purpose
Action item #4: pull out some very short bullet points of the main value and points made in these most important document from the summaries
Privacy team: Number of summaries have already come in. Initial discussions have started on what are the most important documents and rationale for why these are the most important. These include so far:
Action item #5: Sub-team to try and reach rough consensus in the next week on a list of the most important documents related to purpose
Action item #6: pull out some very short bullet points of the main value and points made in these most important document from the summaries
3. Confirm next steps and target date to complete small team outputs
Action item #7: Those with specific expertise and/or those who where involved in the development of some of these documents, are encouraged to review the summaries to ensure that the key points have been included and correctly covered.
4. Confirm next meeting date (Tuesday, 26 April  - may be used for small team calls)
Action item #8: WG members to provide feedback on this proposed approach within next 48 hours so that ample notification can be provided in relation to next week's meeting.

Reference Documents


Input-Checklist-Purpose 19 April 2016.pdf

Input-Checklist-Data 19 April 2016.pdf

Input-Checklist-Privacy 19 April 2016.pdf

Meeting materials: (this page)
Phase 1 Documents: (including each small team's latest checklist)
Small Team Members and Mailing List Archives: