ALAC Members (Selected by the RALOs)
ALAC Members Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Geographic Region | Nominated By/Supported By
| Date Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Results |
Eduardo Diaz | NARALO | - Nominated by: Garth Bruen
- Supported by: Darlene Thompson
| 4 June 2013 | Eduardo Diaz (Yes) | Eduardo Diaz by acclamation |
Olivier Crépin-Leblond | EURALO | - Nominated by: Wolf Ludwig
- Supported by: Veronica Cretu
- William Drake
- Oksana Prykhodko
- Annette Muehlberg
- Desiree Miloshevic
- Sandra Hoferichter
- Vladimir Kukovsky
- Miguel Perez Subias
- Yuliya Morenets
- Jordi Iparraguirre
| 10 June 2013 |
Yaovi Atohoun | AFRALO | - Nominated by: Fatimata Seye Sylla
- Supported by: Tijani Ben Jemaa
- Victor Ndonnang
- Mohamed El Bashir
- Hadja Ouattara
- Aziz Hilali
- Arnold Mulenda Yamukandu
- Hawa Diakite
| 4 June 2013 | Yaovi Atohoun (yes) | |
Fatima Cambronero | LACRALO | - Nominated by: Carlton Samuels
- Supported by: Carlos Aguirre
- Juan Manuel Rojas
- Alberto Soto
- Natalia Enciso
- Lance Hinds
- Dev Anand Teelucksingh
| 19 June 2013 | | Fatima Cambronero was selected |
Johny Laureano | LACRALO | - Nominated by Antonio Medina;
- Supported by: Humberto Carrasco,
- Carlos Vera
| 20 June 2013 | | |
Maureen Hilyard | APRALO | - Satish Babu
- Rinalia Abdul Rahim
- Siranush
- Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
| May 27 2013 | | Maureen Hilyard was selected |
Fouad Bajwa | APRALO | | | | |
Although schedules vary by RALO, the ALAC has proposed the following schedule for the RALOs that have NOT yet determined their own schedule or have bylaw mandated rules for ALAC selections (i.e., AFRALO, EURALO, LACRALO).
ALAC Selection Schedule for 2014 ALAC Representatives - Proposed by the ALAC:
3 June - ALAC Chair announces call for nominations and Statements of Interest
3 June - 14 June - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 2 weeks).
21 June - Deadline for nomination acceptances
28 June - 5 July - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).
8 July - RALO Chairs to inform ALAC Chair of Selection Results. ALAC Chair to inform NomCom Chair and Chair-Elect of ALAC Selection Results
2013 AGM [ 17th - 21st November ] - Newly elected ALAC representative shall be seated on the ALAC at the close of the 2013 AGM on Thursday, 21st November 2013.
ALAC Members (Selected by the NomCom)
2013 NomCom Selectees to the ALAC
Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Region | Nominated By | Role Previously Held By |
| | | |
TIMELINE: NomCom determined schedule
ExCom Officers
Nominee Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Geographic Region | Position | Nominated By/Supported By | Date Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Results |
| | | | | | |
Proposed Election Schedule (TBC)
- Nominations Open:
- Nominations Close:
- Nomination Acceptance Deadline:
- RALO selection:
- Result Announced:
ALAC Liaisons
Nominee Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Liaison Position | Nominated By/Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Results |
| | | | | |
Timeline (TBC)
- Nominations Open:
- Nominations Close:
- Nomination Acceptance Deadline:
- RALO selection:
- Result Announced:
ALAC Voting Delegates to the NomCom for 2014
ICANN's Nominating Committee asked the At-Large Advisory Committee to submit a list with ALAC delegates from each of ICANN's five geographic regions. Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, starting after the close of the Annual General Meeting 2013 and ending at the close of the Annual General Meeting 2014, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws.
- XI-2.4.e The ALAC shall, after consultation with each RALO, annually appoint five voting delegates (no two of whom shall be citizens of countries in the same Geographic Region, as defined according to Section 5 of Article VI to the Nominating Committee.
Nominees for NomCom Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Geographic Region | Nominated/Supported By | Dates Nominees Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Regional Candidate recommended to the ALAC | ALAC Appointed 2014 Delegates to the NomCom |
Fatimata Seye Sylla | Africa | - Nominated by: Yaovi Atohoun
- Supported by:
- Tijani Ben Jemaa
- Pascal Bekono
- Hawa Diakite
- Adetokunbo Abiola
- Pastor Peters Omoragbon
- Aziz Hilali
- Baudouin Schombe
- Arnold Mulenda Yamukandu
- Michel Tchonang
- Mohamed El Bashir
- Hadja Ouattara Sanon
| 5 June 2013 | Mohamed El Bashir (no) | Fatimata Seye Sylla | Fatimata Seye Sylla (representing the African region) |
Ali AlMeshal | Asia Pacific | - Self-nomination
- Maureen Hilyard
- Fouad Bajwa
- Keith Davidson
- Emani Fakaotimanava Lui
- Sonny Zulhuda
- Winthrop Yu
- Siranush Vardanyan
- Lianna Galstyan
- Ulkar Bayramova
| 3 June 2013 | Siranush Vardanyan (no) | | |
Gunela Astbrink | Asia Pacific | - Nominated by : Siranush Vardanyan
- Keith Davidson
- Charles Mok
- Salanieta Tamanikawaimaro
- Maureen Hilyard
- Keith Davidson
| | Siranush Vardanyan (no) | | |
Satish Babu | Asia Pacific | | | Siranush Vardanyan (no) | | Satish Babu (representing the Asia-Pacific Region) |
Johnny Laureano | Latin America and the Caribbean | | Declined June 7 2013 | Vanda Scartezinin (yes) | | |
Juan Manuel Rojas | Latin America and the Caribbean | | June 6 2013 | Vanda Scartezinin (yes) | | |
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre | Latin America and the Caribbean | | June 7 2013 | Vanda Scartezini (yes) | | |
Humberto Carrasco | Latin America and the Caribbean | | June 7 2013 | Vanda Scartezini (yes) | | |
Vanda Scartezini | Latin America and the Caribbean | | June 7 2013 | Vanda Scartezini (yes) | | |
Jacqueline A. Morris | Latin America and the Caribbean | | June 7 2013 | Vanda Scartezini (yes) | Louis Houle | Louis Houle (representing the North American Region) |
Louis Houle | North America | - Glenn McKnight
- Eric Brunner-Williams
- Monique Chartrand
| | Glenn McKnight (no) | | |
Veronica Cretu | Europe | - Nominated by: Wolf Ludwig
- Supported by: Oksana Prykhodko
- Yuliya Morenets
- Sandra Hoferichter
| June 14, 2013 | Veronica Cretu (yes) | Veronica Cretu | Veronica Cretu (representing the European Region) |
The ALAC ExCom suggested the following timetable for nominations and consultation recommendations from RALOs for consideration by the ALAC for appointment as the 2014 NomCom At-Large Delegate positions:
Nominations Open: 27 May 2013
Nominations Close: 7 June 2013
Nomination Acceptance Deadline: On or before 14 June 2013
RALO nominee prioritization period: Between 14-24 June 2013 (this may include a vote if desired)
ALAC Notification: RALOs to transmit all accepted nominations with a recommendation for a preferred candidate if the RALO wishes to provide one by 25 June 2013
ALAC Review of RALO Recommendations/Additional List of Nominations Accepted: 25 June - 2 July 2013
ALAC selection and endorsement vote: Carried out on-line between 2 July - 8 July
Notification to NomCom of Appointees: No later than 12 July 2013 or as arranged with NomCom Secretariat
ALAC Members voted for the ALAC Voting Delegate to the NomCom for 2014:
APRALO; Satish Babu
AFRALO: Fatimata Seye Sylla
EURALO: Veronica Cretu
LACRALO: Vanda Scartezini
NARALO: Louis Houle
The AFRALO Chair has asked interested ALS representatives to put forward their candidatures for RALO Officers by 14 June 2013
Nominations for AFRALO Chair Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Nominated By | Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Results |
Aziz HILALI | | - Tijani Ben Jemaa
- Yaovi Atohoun
- Victor Ndonnang
- Mohamed El Bashir
- Hadja Outtara
- Arnold Mulenda Yamukandu
- Hawa Diakite
| 08 June 2013
| Fatimata Seye Sylla (no) | |
| | | | | |
Nominations for AFRALO Vice-Chair
| Nominated By | Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | |
Mohamed El Bashir | | - Tijani Ben Jemaa
- Yaovi Atohoun
- Victor Ndonnang
- Hadja Ouattara
- Aziz Hilali
- Arnold Mulenda Yamukandu
- Hawa Diakite
| 5 June 2013 | Tijani Ben Jemaa (no) | |
Peters Omoragbon | | | 7 June 2013 withdrawn 01 July 2013 |
| |
AFRALO Selection Timetable
3 June - ALAC/AFRALO Chair announces call for nominations and Statements of Interest
3 June - 14 June - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 2 weeks).
21 June - Deadline for nomination acceptances
28 June - 5 July - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).
8 July - RALO Chairs to inform ALAC Chair of Selection Results. ALAC Chair to inform NomCom Chair and Chair-Elect of ALAC Selection Results
2013 AGM [ 17th - 21st November ] - Newly elected ALAC representative shall be seated on the ALAC at the close of the 2013 AGM on Thursday, 21st November 2013.
The APRALO Secretariat has asked interested ALS representatives to put forward their candidatures for RALO Officers:
Nominations for APRALO Chair Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Nominated By | Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Results |
Holly Raiche | - Cheryl Langdon-Orr - ISOC - AU
| - Karaitiana Taiuru - New Zealand Maori Internet Society
- Rinalia Abdul Rahim - ISOC Malaysia
- Suhadi B Hassan
- Ali AlMeshal
| April 29th, 2013 | Holly Raiche (Yes) | Holly Raiche re-selected by acclamation |
| | | | | |
Nominations for APRALO Vice-Chair | Nominated By | Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | |
YJ Park | - Cheryl Langdon-Orr - ISOC - AU
| - Karaitiana Taiuru - New Zealand Maori Internet Society
- Rinalia Abdul Rahim - ISOC Malaysia
- Ali AlMeshal - Bahrain Internet Society
| 01 May 2013 | YJ Park (Yes) | |
Siranush Vardanyan | - Satish Babu - Computer Society of India
| - Rinalia Abdul Rahim - ISOC Malaysia
- Samvel Martirosyan - Media Education Center
- Liana Galstyan - ISOC AM
- Emani Fakaotimanava-Lui - Internet Niue
- Ali AlMeshal - Bahrain Internet Society
| 02 May 2013 | | Siranush Vardanyan was selected |
Maureen Hilyard
(PICISOC, Cook Islands) | - Satish Babu - Computer Society of India
| - Rinalia Abdul Rahim - ISOC Malaysia
- Suhadi B Hassan - ISOC Malaysia
- Maureen Hilyard - (PICISOC, Cook Islands)
- Ali AlMeshal - Bahrain Internet Society
| 30 April 2013 Withdrew 5 May 2013 | | |
Satish Babu - Computer Society of India | - Rinalia Abdul Rahim - ISOC Malaysia
| - Ali AlMeshal -Bahrain Internet Society
| 5 May 2013 | | |
APRALO Secretariat Position is appointed (APRALO Operating Principles)
Nominations for APRALO Secretariat Appointment Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Nominated By | Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Results |
Pavan Budhrani and Edmon Chung - (ISOC HK) | - Rinalia Abdul Rahim - ISOC Malaysia
| - Karaitiana Taiuru - New Zealand Maori Internet Society
| | |
April 9th - At Large Staff and current Chair announce elections and call for nominations, during APRALO's GA in Beijing.
April 9th - May 3 - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 4 weeks).
May 10 - Deadline for nomination acceptances (nominees must accept nominations no later than seven days after the nomination period ends on 3 May).
May 17 - June 7 - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).
July 1- Newly elected APRALO leaders takes their seats.
The EURALO Chair has asked interested ALS representatives to put forward their candidatures by 14 June 2013
Nominations for EURALO Chair Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Nominated By | Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Results |
Wolf Ludwig | | - William Drake
- Sandra Hoferichter
- Vladimir Kukovsky
- Werner Hülsmann
- Jordi Iparraguirre
- Stefan Huegel
- Lutz Donnerhacke
- Padeluun
| Wolf Ludwig (yes) | Wolf Ludwig selected by acclamation |
Nominations for EURALO Secretariat Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Nominated By | Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | |
Yuliya Morenets | | - William Drake
- Sandra Hoferichter
- Werner Hülsmann
| | Oksana Prykhodko (yes) | Yuliya Morenetswas was selected. |
Oksana Prykhodko | | - Jordi Iparraguirre
- Bogdan Manolea
| |
| |
EURALO Selection Timetable
- Nominations Open: 27 May
- Nominations Close: 14 June
- Nomination Acceptance Deadline: On or before 18 June
- RALO selection: Between 18-19 June 2013 (this may include a vote if desired)
- Result Announced: June 19 or shortly thereafter
Wolf Ludwig was re-elected unanimously as Chair for the timeframe from the EURALO GA 2013 to the EURALO GA 2015.
Yuliya Morenets was selected for the position of EURALO Secretariat for the timeframe from the EURALO GA 2013 to the EURALO GA 2015.
The LACRALO Secretariat has asked interested ALS representatives to put forward their candidatures for Regional Officers by DATE.- COMPLETED
Nominations for LACRALO Chair Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Nominated By | Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Results |
Jose Francisco Arce | | | March 6 | Jose Francisco Arce (Yes) | Jose Francisco Arce |
| | | | | |
Nominations for LACRALO Secretariat Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Nominated By | Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | |
Sylvia Herlein Leite | | - Natalia Enciso
- Wladimir Dvalos
- Humberto Carrasco
| March 6 | Sylvia Herlein Leite (Yes)
| Sylvia Herlein Leite |
Lance Hinds | | - Karlene Francis
- Jacqueline Morris
| March 7 | Sylvia Herlein Leite (Yes)
| |
The following individuals have been nominated for the position of NARALO Officers:
Region | Nominee Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI | Position | Nominated and Supported by | Date Nominee Accepted | Statement of Interest | Results |
NARALO | Garth Bruen | Chair | - Nominated by : Darlene Thompson
- Supported by: Monique Chartrand, Gareth Shearman, Evan Leibovitch, Eduardo Diaz
| 4 June 2013 | | |
NARALO | Darlene Thompson | Secretariat | - Nominated by: Gareth Shearman
- Supported by: Allan Skuce
| 5 June 2013 | | |
NARALO | Glenn McKnight | Secretariat | - Nominated by Eduardo Diaz
- Supported by: Thomas Lowenhaupt
| 9 June 2013 | | |
NARALO | Eric Brunner-Williams | Chair | - Self Nominated
- Supported by: Thomas Lowenhaupt
| 25 June 2013 | | |