ROP Elections, Selection & Appointments DT Meeting
Date: Monday 20 August 2012 Time: 18:00 UTC (TBC) (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.LAC/MT.0812/1
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Action Items: EN
Summary Minutes:EN
Recording: EN
Adobe Connect Chat Transcript: EN
Transcription: EN
A G E N D A :
1. Roll Call and Apologies (staff 2 min)
2. Introduction Welcome and Purpose of Call. (meeting chair/staff/group 3 min)
3. Review of and agreement on relevant Rules (existing) for review what is IN and Out of scope (Pen Holders/ 15 min)
See: At-Large Elections, Selections and Appointments Drafting Team Workspace
4. Group priority and key points discussion to brief Pen Holder(s) for initial drafting with reference to outcomes from Prague Workshop and recent ROP-wg calls (20-25 min)
See: Prague Drafting Team Flip-charts Workspace
5. Review of AI's and next meeting(s) including discussion of time rotation / shift (5-10 min)