August 2017
Had a 2017-08-03 At-Large Social Media Working Group Call to discuss the At-Large Review WP recommendations related to social media.
April 2017
2017-04-20 At-Large Social Media Working Group Call
- looked at Social Media Performance Metrics of ICANN58
- how to improve Facebook content in between ICANN meetings
- ICANN meeting daily recap with selected tweets
- How to Use Staff’s language capabilities to diversify Social Media content (Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) and Former user (Deleted) will be assisting Ariel Liang to assist with posting to At-Large Social Media accounts)
- John Laprise agreed on the call to be a cochair for the Social WG
02-24 At-Large Social Media Working Group Call:
- guest speaker Samantha Dickinson on using twitter
- responding to items at large draft review recommendations related to social media
- review of licensing of photos for easier re sharing as noted by Glenn
- ideas for improving social media usage by john laprise
2016-05-19 At-Large Social Media Working Group Call had presentation by John Laprise on IGFUSA Social Media Practices. Also 2016-05-13 At-Large Social Media call for Volunteers for the African Internet Summit in Botswana 2016 was a call to discuss how to promote At-Large activities at the African Internet Summit 2016 at the end of May 2016.
Monthly reports 2015
Monthly reports 2014