- The ICANN Board commissioned an Organizational Review review of the At-Large Community which was conducted in 2016-17
- The ALAC and the At-Large Review Working Party, in conjunction with the representatives of the five Regional At-Large Organizations and the entire At-Large Community, have reviewed the Final Review Report and developed a Feasibility Study to be presented to the Board Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC)
- The ALAC approves the Feasibility Study presented to the ALAC Monthly meeting on 22 August 2017 in principle, and subject to final cosmetic and clarity editing approves its submission to the OEC.
Yes (11):
Alan Greenberg
Bastiaan Goslings
Harold Arcos
Holly Raiche (Maureen Hilyard - proxy)
Javier Rua-Jovet
Kaili Kan
Leon Sanchez (Alan Greenberg - proxy)
Maureen Hilyard
Sebastien Bachollet
Seun Ojedeji
Tijani Ben Jemaa
No (0):
Abstain (0):
Have not voted (4):
Alberto Soto
Andrei Kolesnikov
Garth Bruen
Wafa Dahmani