- Glenn McKnight to document the RALO leadership mailing address issue on the technology issues page
- Dev Anand Teelucksingh to ask TTF members who are willing to test the LACRALO mailing list to contact him
- Dev Anand Teelucksingh to inform LACRALO leadership on progress made on mailing list issue and mention this during the LACRALO meeting
- Mark Segall / Former user (Deleted) to check with relevant department on the additional assistance/resources for converting teleconference /webinar videos to mp4 format in a more efficient manner
- seun.ojedeji to include the AC issues he mentioned on the dedicated page that Ariel will create
- Judith Hellerstein to remind relevant At-Large Staff to also send out the survey on captioning services via mailing lists after the call
- Glenn McKnight/ Alfredo Calderon / Judith Hellerstein to follow up on the feedback on the meeting app after the ARIN meeting
- Dev Anand Teelucksingh / Former user (Deleted) to invite TTF members to join the eXo platform to test
- Dev Anand Teelucksingh to alert the TTF mailing list on Mattermost when it is ready for testing
- Dev Anand Teelucksingh / Judith Hellerstein to lead special purpose call in Feb to test Meetecho
- seun.ojedeji to lead the testing of Mikago
- Glenn McKnight to contact the author of http://internetinitiative.ieee.org/newsletter/january-2017/mobile-assisted-data-collection-for-effective-policymaking with the purpose to refine the FY18 request on policy tracking system
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