5 August 2020 - #32
5 August 2020 - #32
Members: James Galvin, Warren Kumari, Barry Leiba, Brantly Milligan, Steve Crocker, Rod Rasmussen, Julie Hammer, Rubens Kuhl, Jaap Akkerhuis, Justine Chew, Jeff Newman
Apologies: Matt Thomas
Observers: Wesley Hardaker
Staff/Contractor: Steve Sheng, Matt Larson, Kimberly Carlson, Danielle Rutherford, Adiel Akplogan
NCAP Discussion Group Teleconference
5 August 2020 | 19:00 UTC
- Welcome and roll call
- Updates to SOI
- New members (none)
- Update and next steps: Study 2: Link to Study 2 Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OYRqlx7W_RXg2ZbfQVMddzWzYmhVKNa2E7MRz6iwpCM/edit#
- Next meetings (TBD)
Recording: Zoom Playback
Background material (see google doc)
Chat: Chat NCAP 5 Aug.txt