No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
6 | ICANN’s MSM should serve as the reference in encouraging all participants (individuals or parties) to declare and update existing or potential conflicts-of-interest, each time a vote takes place or consensus is sought. | ICANN Board; ICANN Staff; ICANN Community | TG1 |
- : Assignees to modify the wording of this recommendation
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- It seems to be a standard practice as it is reflected in the way that working groups and the Board conduct their work.
- It is uncertain whether all participants explicitly declare and update existing or potential conflicts-of-interests. This request doesn't seem to be included in the CCWG-Accountability Report.
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- The wording of this recommendation seems to be a bit over-reaching. We may not want to have all members to declare conflicts of interests during every single vote. We, however, expect members to update their conflicts of interests regularly.
- Re conflicts of interests updates, it seems that every community group has some type of rules (e.g. SOIs in GNSO, ALAC) that are appropriate to what they are doing.
- Conflict of interests issues will be dealt with by CCWG-Accountability WS2?