The next meeting of the GNSO Bylaws Implementation Drafting Team will be held on Wednesday 5 October 2016 at at 13:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
06:00 PST, 09:00 EST, 14:00 GMT, 15:00 CEST
For other times:[]
Proposed Agenda:
1. Roll call/statements of interest
2. Review agenda
3. Review the mapping document and note any DT recommendation where DT members would like to argue for a decision threshold that differs from what is indicated in the document.
4. Next steps to finalize the report and send to the GNSO Council.
Apologies: David Maher
Attendees: Farzaneh Badii, Steve Metalitz, Darcy Southwell, Amr Elsadr,Edward Morris, Steve Debianco, Matthew Shears, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben
ICANN staff: Julie Hedlund, Marika Konings, Mary Wong, Berry Cobb, Terri Agnew
Background documents: Bylaws GNSO Procedures Map Steve-v2
GNSO Bylaws DT report Draft v3 29-Sep3
Actions/Discussion Notes