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 February 13, 2012.

Participants: Tijani Ben Jemaa, SIva Muthusamy, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Beau Brendler, Charles Mok, Fatimata Seye Sylla, Wolf Ludwig

Apologies: Holly Raiche, Aziz Hilali, Rudi Vansnick, Jose Arce, Darlene Thompson,

Staff: Gisella Gruber, Silvia Vivanco, Heidi Ullrich

Minutes of the meeting:

Agenda was adopted.

3. - Discussion of  Agenda Items for  At-Large Leadership Meeting in Costa Rica

-Inactive /non-quorate ALSes:

In Dakar: There was no agreement on a common set of criteria, each RALO wanted to set its own threshold. We are volunteers and should be sensitive to this.

In Dakar it was said that there was a need for a common criteria, we all would use the same rules but with different "parameters".

ACTION ITEM : Next step: To have a discussion in Costa Rica . Who would be willing to work on the Framework for dealing with Inactive ALS?. Dev, Wolf volunteered f will draft a document.  A compilation of each RALO, s criteria should be done as first step.

ACTION ITEM: Staff to create a WIKI Page to include the documents AFRALO, EURALO and LACRALO. And to look at NARALO, which already has a procedure to deal with inactive ALS.

Criteria to measure involvement in RALO/ALAC and decertification

This issue is already being dealt with by "metrics".  Heidi informed that the meeting is being formed and a call for membership will be sent out shortly.

Wolf: There has been lack of motivation among members,  we need "inclusiveness" needs more incentives, for community building in the region, is important to have face to face meeting every two years, not every three years. In EURALO there are opportunities in conference, But "incentives" are important, otherwise members will lose interest and commitment.

Beau : We are not giving ALS enough stakes in the process; there is no give and take between RALO leaders and ALS.  More work in "outreach" is needed.

Heidi mentioned: The Improvements Taskforce has suggested creating a WG on Outreach. It is expected that the ALAC will endorse it on the Sunday in Costa Rica.  The WG will work with Global Partnerships, etc.

There is no developed "leadership bench".

Next steps;

-Work in the At-Large improvements and join the At Large outreach Working Group.  Also to work with the finance subcommittee, to convince ICANN finance to have General Assemblies more often.

4.  Review and Next Steps of the Secretariats Improvements Plan (10 min) (Jose and Dev)

The At -Large improvements has superseded this. Many of the implementations coming from it cover all of the items of the Secretariats Improvements Plan.

Euralo: Would like to see a discussion on the "strategic" element of the plan.

What has been worked on by the improvements should be ticked off.

5. LACRALO Costa Rica Events - Update (5 min) (Dev)

Work has already started. Out of the 30 only 5 are not attending. We have a lot of meetings scheduled. We will work with Fellowship from 7-8 and 8-9 LACRALO capacity building.  One of the difficulties has been lack of understanding and there will be sessions to come to solutions. LACRALO is coordinating with Janice.

We are having two calls per week to implement these events. All ALs are very happy that this is happening. Next weeks will be very busy.

Tijani advised to have the material done in a more pedagogic manner.

6. Any other Business


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