New gTLD Review Group 2013.02.22 AC Chat

New gTLD Review Group 2013.02.22 AC Chat

  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the New gTLD Review Group call on Friday 22 February 2013 at 1600 UTC
  Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/LwThBQ
  Garth Bruen:FYI, I'm only on AC ,no voice.
  Garth Bruen:I may be cut off as this crashed on me twice this week,
  Garth Bruen:Which dispute? I missed the first part of the dialogue
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello everyone
  Eduardo Diaz:¡Hola a todos!
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
  Adela Danciu:hi everybody!
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Google Doc : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uNFDvRg5HALZjs6eSZ06U6INPW7cu5BMDhqamtV6K4A/edit?usp=sharing
  Silvia Vivanco:Staff will be  taking Action Items. Recordings and transcripts will be available in 48-72 hrs
  Garth Bruen:Because of the blizzard I was very rushed in preparing for the last motions. Since then I have done more research. On the last call I realized the different meaning for the IDN, hence my comments on that specific string.
  Garth Bruen:Merci!
  Gisella Gruber-White:Sorry - that is Fatimata's line
  Garth Bruen:I know this call would be problematic for me so I posted eveything in the document
  Garth Bruen:No voice
  Gisella Gruber-White:Heidi has joined the call
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:http://translate.google.com/#auto/en/%E5%81%A5%E5%BA%B7
  Garth Bruen:We have to respect the applicant's documentation. I doubt the applicant would alter the application in order for the obection to qualify.
  Garth Bruen:Per Adela's reading this application does not fit into the objection.
  Garth Bruen:@Dev, no
  Garth Bruen:It sounds like they are including "green tea" and massage as "healthy" this is not in the scope of the objection.
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:IDN application : http://gtldresult.icann.org/applicationstatus/applicationdetails/450;jsessionid=5C489B694AA5EE53E97EE41904B7E940
  Garth Bruen:"Healthy lifestyles" is not the same as a "health service" or "health providers"
  Garth Bruen:@Olivier, I'm reading what the applicant put into the application
  Garth Bruen:@Olivier, after asking them I would ask the application. If they have fudged the meaning, they may have provided false information.
  Garth Bruen:Ask the "applicant"
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:if they have fudged the application, it would be their loss though, wouldn't it?
  Garth Bruen:@Olvier, we need a signle answer to the question.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:but we need to make sure with a Chinese speaker if it means health or healthy
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:so it is good that you raised this, Garth
  Garth Bruen:If the word means both, but they only put healthy in the application, that is what we have to go with
  Garth Bruen:All gTLDs can be "hacked" for meanings
  Eduardo Diaz:If we were not looking at answering specific question (like targeting) I will say that the gTLD is related to health and all its variations
  Eduardo Diaz:i.e. healthy, healthiness, etc.
  Fatimata:+1 @Eduardo
  Adela Danciu:but unfortunately one of the cirterion that needs to be proved is targeting
  Adela Danciu:so we need to stretch the arguments to sustain the targeting criterion
  Garth Bruen:@Eduardo, at that point the "community" becomes so large the objection does not cover it.
  Garth Bruen:In terms of the broader scope of the objection there are problems with the "substantial" criteria. As I stated in the document comments, the additional letter provided by IMIA stated "The objection is filed on behalf of the global public health community"I don't know if this can be claimed.
  Garth Bruen:@Dev, I think is explained by being an IDN and confusion over the applicant's intent
  Garth Bruen:So that's a good question, an IDN conversion of "HEALTH", would it look different or the same?
  Garth Bruen:@Eduardo, that is true but I am puzzled now because the application has "healthy" and not "health"
  Garth Bruen:So was it not categorized properly by ICANN? The question is now, who classified the applications? ICANN or the applicant?
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I believe the applicant decides on everything
  Eduardo Diaz:@Olivier: so if what your asr saying is true, then the chinese applicant undesrtood that it meant to be .health
  Garth Bruen:But did they? This all seems very strange now.
  Garth Bruen:Is there someone from staff  who can answer that technical question of how the applications were classfied?
  Eduardo Diaz:FAtima has a point. Are we allowed to make a single objection to all of them?
  Garth Bruen:@Eduardo,  I think she is right. The applications are all different, I'm not sure if one size fits all.
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/newgtldrg/pages/98632522/.health_OG
  Adela Danciu:yes, when we filled in the table, we ocnsidered the objection by IMIA as a whole and all the 5 strings together.
  Adela Danciu:that was probably a mistake, but the objection was also against all together
  Adela Danciu:(no need to take the floor)
  Garth Bruen:CrAsH! I lasted 45 minutes, that is a new record this week.
  Garth Bruen:I downgraded my browser, so it must be something else
  Fatimata:Is there any way we can have more time to do the job right?
  Eduardo Diaz:So the targeting discussion about the chinese application is moot a this point?
  Garth Bruen:@Adela, the mistake is not yours alone. I read it the same way.
  Garth Bruen:We can do our best to explain it them
  Garth Bruen:But I'm not sure if we've explained it to ourselves
  Adela Danciu::) @Garth: +1
  Fatimata:yes, thanks Dev
  Garth Bruen:Per Adela and Fatimata. It would be one thing for the objection to say a specific registry is bad for the community. To say they are ALL bad may be too much to accept.
  Garth Bruen:I think if we don't have consensus, the RALO's wont either
  Fatimata:Garth, the community will go by the principle of preserving their interest.  So we can ask them to decide for each application
  Garth Bruen:@Fatimata, that is better option. One big statement to submit on all five is too much.
  Fatimata:@Gisella, I am off
  Adela Danciu:me too
  Eduardo Diaz:I ihave to go. Please send us an email and we will follow
  Heidi Ullrich:Fatimata and Adela, we'll call you back
  Eduardo Diaz:If we have to wrok through the weekend so be it.
  Heidi Ullrich:Ringing now
  Gisella Gruber-White:Adela - we are calling you
  Fatimata:I am back
  Heidi Ullrich:Dev, what is the new schedule?
  Adela Danciu:and the RALOs need to decide consciounsly on which to endorse ... meaning they should go through the same reasoning process that we've been fighting with for the past 2 weeks ...
  Fatimata:@Dev, I agree
  Adela Danciu:same here
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Adela - we are still calling you
  Adela Danciu:i'm back , thank you
  Adela Danciu:Q: can the RALOs adjust, comment, modify, improve the statement?
  Adela Danciu:true, sorry
  Fatimata:@Heidi, Ralos will certainly need conf calls to decide ...
  Adela Danciu:didn't think it through
  Heidi Ullrich:@Fatimata, thanks.
  Adela Danciu:ok
  Heidi Ullrich:If another RG meeting is necessary Monday or Tuesday, Staff will be happy to organize this.
  Heidi Ullrich:Only if...
  Adela Danciu:we can try doodle
  Gisella Gruber-White:I will send out a Doodle poll with WIDE RANGE of times to try and suit all
  Fatimata:no, thanks Dev
  Adela Danciu:thanks Dev
  Adela Danciu:bye all
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks all
  Fatimata:Thanks all and bye
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you!
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks!