Rec 1: SAC102 - CLOSED

Rec 1: SAC102 - CLOSED

SSAC Comment on the Updated Plan for Continuing the Root KSK Rollover (R1)

Date IssuedDocumentReference IDCurrent Phase


SSAC Comment on the Updated Plan for Continuing the Root KSK Rollover (R1)SAC102



On 13 May 2018, the ICANN Board requested the SSAC to provide advice to the Board on the "Updated Plan for Continuing the Root KSK Rollover." This comment represents the SSAC’s response to that request.


DatePhaseTypeStatus Updates


ClosedPhase ChangeThis Advice Item is now Closed


Phase 5Board UpdateResolved (2021.05.12.16), the Board finds that ICANN org acted upon all Recommendations from SAC063, SAC073, and SAC102, as is evidenced by the successful first KSK Rollover. The Board considers SAC063, SAC073, and SAC102 to be completed. See full resolution at https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2021-05-12-en#2.c.


Phase 5Phase UpdateMatt Larson sent a letter to Rod Rasmussen advising that SAC062 is complete (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/larson-to-rasmussen-13jan21-en.pdf). On 11 October 2018, ICANN org carried out the first rollover of the root zone key signing key (KSK). The project is documented in Review of the 2018 DNSSEC KSK Rollover, published by ICANN’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO). This successful rollover completed the remaining open recommendations from three SSAC Advisories: SAC063: SSAC Advisory on DNSSEC Key Rollover in the Root Zone, made five recommendations for actions to be taken by ICANN org related to the first root zone KSK rollover. SAC073: SSAC Comments on Root Zone Key Signing Key Rollover Plan, contained SSAC’s comments on the draft report of the root KSK rollover Design Team. SAC073 reiterated SSAC’s recommendations from SAC063 and called for ICANN org’s final plan to directly address each recommendation. SAC102: SSAC Comment on the Updated Plan for Continuing the Root KSK Rollover, was the response to the ICANN Board’s request that SSAC provide advice to the Board on the Plan for Continuing the Root KSK Rollover. SSAC advised continuing with the rollover.


Phase 5Phase ChangeNow in Phase 5: Close


Phase 2AP FeedbackSSAC confirmed understanding and added the following comments: Given the recent plan that's been introduced in public comment the SSAC does not object to moving this advisory item to Phase 5 | Close.


Phase 2Phase UpdateThe ICANN org understands SAC102 is the SSAC's response to ICANN Board Resolution 2018.05.13.09. ICANN org understands the SSAC had not identified any reason within the SSAC's scope why the October 2018 root zone KSK rollover should have not proceeded as it was planned. The ICANN org also understands that the SSAC would like the ICANN org to establish a framework for scheduling further rolls of the root KSK based on analysis of the outcomes of this initial roll of the KSK. This is an updated understanding of SAC102 based on feedback provided by the SSAC on 16 July 2019. As of 07 November 2019, a proposed framework requested in the SSAC advice has been put up for public comment and communicated to the community in various sessions in ICANN 66 and on the customary DNSSEC-related mailing lists.


Phase 2Board UnderstandingThe ICANN org understands SAC102 is the SSAC's response to ICANN Board Resolution 2018.05.13.09. ICANN org understands the SSAC had not identified any reason within the SSAC's scope why the October 2018 root zone KSK rollover should have not proceeded as it was planned. The ICANN org also understands that the SSAC would like the ICANN org to establish a framework for scheduling further rolls of the root KSK based on analysis of the outcomes of this initial roll of the KSK. This is an updated understanding of SAC102 based on feedback provided by the SSAC on 16 July 2019.


Phase 2Phase UpdateUpdated Understanding sent to SSAC for review.


Phase 2AP FeedbackSSAC rejected statement of understanding and provided the following clarifying comments: Here the SSAC would like to ICANN to "establish a framework for scheduling further rolls of the root KSK based on analysis of the outcomes of this initial roll of the KSK." So there is action for ICANN.


Phase 2Phase UpdateThe ICANN org understands SAC102 is the SSAC's response to ICANN Board Resolution 2018.05.13.09. ICANN org understands the SSAC has not identified any reason within the SSAC's scope why the rollover should not proceed as currently planned. The SSAC suggests that ICANN establish a framework for scheduling further rolls of the root KSK based on analysis of the outcomes of this initial roll of the KSK. The ICANN org also understands five members of SSAC provided a dissent in SAC102 in which they believe that the risks of rolling in accordance with the current schedule are larger than the risks of postponing and focusing heavily on additional research and outreach, and in particular leveraging newly developed techniques that provide better signal and fidelity into potentially impacted parties. There is no action for the ICANN Board. This understanding was sent to the SSAC on 7 September 2018.


Phase 2Board UnderstandingThe ICANN org understands SAC102 is the SSAC's response to ICANN Board Resolution 2018.05.13.09. ICANN org understands the SSAC has not identified any reason within the SSAC’s scope why the rollover should not proceed as currently planned. The SSAC suggests that ICANN establish a framework for scheduling further rolls of the root KSK based on analysis of the outcomes of this initial roll of the KSK. The ICANN org also understands five members of SSAC provided a dissent in SAC102 in which they believe that the risks of rolling in accordance with the current schedule are larger than the risks of postponing and focusing heavily on additional research and outreach, and in particular leveraging newly developed techniques that provide better signal and fidelity into potentially impacted parties. There is no action for the ICANN Board.


Phase 2Phase UpdateICANN received SAC102 on 21 August 2018 and is currently reviewing.


Phase 2Phase ChangeNow in Phase 2: Understand


Phase 1Phase UpdateICANN acknowledged receipt of SAC102.


Phase 1Phase ChangeNow in Phase 1: Receive & Acknowledge


Phase 1Phase UpdateSSAC published SAC102: SSAC Comment on the Updated Plan for Continuing the Root KSK Rollover. Link: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-102-en.pdf