GAC Liaison - 2017

GAC Liaison - 2017

SSC Assignment Overview

The current GNSO Liaison to the GAC has indicated that he will step down as GAC Liaison at ICANN60. The SSC has been tasked with reviewing candidates for the GAC Liaison role and recommending a candidate to the GNSO Council. The SSC will submit its recommendation to the GNSO Council in the form of a motion for confirmation of GNSO Liaison to the GAC to the GNSO Council by 16 October 2017 at the latest.

SSC members may access additional materials for the selection process here

The previous two GAC Liaison selection processes used the following worksheet to evaluate candidates: GNSO Liaison to the GAC Evaluation Sheet - 22 July 2014.docx. The SSC may leverage this tool if it chooses to do so.


Julf Helsingius (endorsed by NCSG, BC, RrSG, and RySG)

Osvaldo Novoa (endorsed by ISPCP)

Paul Rosenzweig (endorsed by NCSG)

Request for Candidates - GNSO Liaison to the GAC

Candidates are invited for Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO) Liaison to the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC)


As part of the discussions within ICANN between the GNSO and GAC, on how to facilitate early engagement of the GAC in GNSO policy development activities, the option of appointing a GNSO liaison to the GAC has been proposed as one of the mechanisms to explore. As such, the GAC-GNSO Consultation Group (CG) on GAC Early Engagement in GNSO policy development activities implemented a two-year pilot program in FY15-16 (starting 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2016). This mechanism was evaluated by the CG which recommended in March 2016 to the GAC and GNSO to transform this pilot into a permanent role.


The GNSO liaison to the GAC (hereafter “the Liaison”) will be primarily responsible for providing timely updates to the GAC on GNSO policy development activities in order to complement the existing notification processes as well answering questions in relation to these (GNSO) activities that GAC members may have. Furthermore, the Liaison will be responsible for providing the GNSO Council with regular updates on progress, including on GAC activities, specifically in so far as these relate to issues of interest to the GNSO. The objective of the liaison mechanism, in combination with some of the other mechanisms that the CG is exploring, as well as existing early engagement tools, will be to facilitate effective early engagement of the GAC as well as generally assist with flow of information between the GAC and the GNSO. In addition to these existing engagement tools, regular co-ordination calls are to be scheduled between the GNSO Liaison to the GAC and the GAC Secretariat to ascertain that all the relevant information has been received by the GAC and progress is being made, following which a regular status update is provided by the Liaison to the GNSO Council.

Skills and Experience

  • Significant experience in and knowledge of the GNSO policy development process as well as of recent and current policy work under discussion and / or review in the GNSO
  • Availability to travel to and participate in GAC meetings during the course of ICANN meetings and also, where applicable, intercessional meetings (via teleconference)
  • A former or recently departed GNSO Councilor is likely to be well-qualified for the position but this is not a necessary criterion for the Liaison.


  • Attend and participate as required in GAC meetings during ICANN meetings and possible intercessional meetings (Note: travel funding is available for the ICANN meetings should the Liaison otherwise not be able to attend an ICANN meeting)
  • Represent and communicate the policy work of the GNSO in a neutral and objective manner
  • Liaise with ICANN policy staff who may assist, as needed, in the preparation of briefing materials and/or responses to questions
  • Liaise with relevant working groups, utilizing GNSO Council liaisons where required, in order to be continuously current and knowledgeable on work in progress
  • Provide regular updates to the GNSO Council
  • Guide the GAC in opportunities for early engagement
  • Keep the GAC updated on how its early input was considered by the GNSO
  • Assist in the facilitation of GAC-GNSO discussions in cases where GAC early input is in conflict with GNSO views


Practical Working

  • Attend all GAC open meetings and be allowed to request the floor
  • Attend GAC closed meetings discussing GNSO related topics and be allowed to request the floor
  • Attend GAC conference calls by invitation and accordingly be allowed to request the floor
  • Join GAC working groups by invitation and accordingly be allowed to request the floor
  • Will not be on the GAC mailing list but may send to it t through the mailing list admin and receives replies by being cc’d

Application Process

  1. The leadership of each Stakeholder Group / Constituency may submit the application of its candidate(s), which should include at a minimum a link to a completed and current statement of interest as well as a brief note explaining why the candidate has applied for this role and how the candidate meets the specific requirements by 8 September 2017 at the latest to the GNSO Secretariat (gnso-secs@icann.org). Candidates are requested to complete the attached application template.
  2. The GNSO Secretariat will relay the applications received by the deadline to the SSC by 10 September 2017.
  3. The SSC will review the applications received and rank these taking into account the skills and experience required as outlined in this call for volunteers by 8 October 2017.
  4. Based on the outcome of the ranking process, the SSC will contact the nr 1 candidate to confirm the proposed selection by 11 October 2017 and confirm that the candidate is still available.
  5. The SSC will submit its recommendation to the GNSO Council in the form of a motion for confirmation of GNSO Liaison to the GAC to the GNSO Council by 16 October 2017 at the latest.
  6. Consideration of motion and approval of candidate by GNSO Council during GNSO Council meeting on 1 November 2017.
  7. Confirmation of candidate to GAC leadership (by 3 November 2017).
  8. GNSO Liaison to the GAC officially takes up its role (by 3 November 2017).

Please note that the name of applicants will be made public unless an applicant specifically states in his/her application that his/her name should be kept confidential.


In the case of significant issues identified with the performance of the liaison, the GNSO Council Leadership, in consultation with the GAC Leadership, may decide to remove (and possibly replace) the Liaison at any point during the Liaison’s term.


Review and Renewal

The role is reviewed and the liaison is reconfirmed by the GNSO Council in its position every year, unless the Liaison has indicated that he/she is no longer available to continue in this role in which case a new selection process as outlined above will take place. As part of this review, the GNSO Council is expected to request the GAC and/or GAC Secretariat for input on the role and functioning of the GNSO Liaison to the GAC.







Please provide an overview of your experience/expertise with GNSO policy development processes


Please provide an overview of your Previous engagements in GNSO work in a leadership capacity


Please describe your familiarity with GAC processes, including GAC engagement in GNSO policy development


Please provide any other information that demonstrates your qualifications for this position.