2016-12-08 GNSO Review Implementation Plan Webinar
The GNSO Review implementation plan webinar is scheduled for Thursday, 08 December 2016 at 14:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
See the plan at: https://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/review-implementation-recommendations-plan-21nov16-en.pdf and the motion at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Motions+1+December+2016
Although the focus of this webinar is to assist GNSO Council members in their deliberations on the implementation plan and motion, if you know others who wish to join, please feel free to forward the invitation.
06:00 PST, 09:00 EST, 14:00 London, 15:00 CEST, 01:00 Sydney (Friday)
For other places: http://tinyurl.com/jynesrn[tinyurl.com]
1. Review Agenda
2. Overview of the GNSO Review Implementation Plan (slide deck)
3. Questions and Discussion
4. Any Other Business
GNSO Review Implementation Plan Webinar - slides
GNSO Review Implementation Plan 21 November 2016
Staff: Marika Konings, Julie Hedlund, Emily Barabas, Ariel Liang, Negar Farzinnia, Glen de Saint Gery, Nathalie Peregrine, David Olive Lars Hoffmann, Terri Agnew
On audio only: Apologies: Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Stephanie Perrin