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EPDP Initiation Request and Charter Drafting Team on Tuesday 19 June 2018 at 13:00 UTC.

Coordinated Universal Time: 13:00 UTC: 

06:00 Los Angeles; 09:00 Washington; 14:00 London; 18:00 Islamabad; 22:00 Tokyo; 23:00 Hobart 


1. Purpose of call

2. Panama schedule

3. Review charter topics

4. Assign discussion leads


Charter template empty June 2018.pdf



Adobe Connect Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar


Attendance and AC chat

Apologies: Erika Mann


Notes/ Action Items


These high-level notes are designed to help the DT navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at []  

1. Purpose of call 

  • Structure and framework around this discussion
  • Need to complete EPDP initiation request and EPDP Charter
  • Need to come to common understanding of what is in the charter and what may need to be added to the template
  • Call for volunteers for leads for each of the main topics identified

 2. Panama schedule

  • On Tuesday substantive time has been set aside between 9.00 - 15.00 for the drafting team.
  • Do note that a break will need to be scheduled in that time for the joint GAC-GNSO meeting which is scheduled from 11.30 - 12.30 that same day.
  • Cross-community session on Monday afternoon 17.00 - 18.30 for the community to provide input on the charter to help inform the drafting team's work. Would swop Thursday HIT EPDP Team session with Monday WHOIS RDSRT2 meeting. Donna volunteered to serve as co-ordinator for this meeting. 
  • Placeholder on Wednesday from 9.00 - 10.15 which could also be potentially be used by the drafting team.
  • Discussions ongoing to see if some time on Tuesday afternoon's CC sessions could be used to provide an update to the community on the status of work of the DT.

Action item #1: Staff to recirculate GNSO meeting schedule, highlighting EPDP DT slots as well as HIT Swop

3. Review charter topics


  • How does publication of uniform access model by ICANN Org fit into these conversations? It is not part of temp spec, but obviously has an impact on it. Who is expected to pick it up from here? Is it supposed to be part of the EPDP?
  • May need to be called out as part of the Monday community input session?
  • May not be an exclusion to what the GNSO is planning to do?
  • May be worth asking senior staff what the objective is?
  • Is a uniform access model a topic for policy development or not? If yes, it needs to be planned as either part of the EPDP or a parallel PDP/EPDP. Concerns if this would trigger another temporary specification.
  • This topic was called out in the annex to the temporary specification, with an expectation that it would get addressed in one way or another.
  • Add topic of Uniform Access Model to the agenda for the meeting with the ICANN Board. Consider sending question in advance.
  • Council to focus on what it considers its responsibility by working on the charter. Council controls what is in scope.

Action item #2: Michele to develop draft question to ICANN Board on Uniform Access Model and link with EPDP by Saturday at the latest. Also include revised question on picket fence (see action item from previous meeting).

  • Are there any headings / sections missing that should be added for the EPDP Team Charter?
  • Is budget normally covered as part of the charter? Typically no budget associated with a PDP Team. No budget is currently set aside for this effort. Would need to be discussed with the ICANN Board. May be helpful if DT identifies what resources are needed to deliver work in a one year time period so that a specific request can be made. May be difficult to determine what the cost of potential resources are, further information on that would be helpful.

Action item #3: Staff to get info on costs / spend from previous efforts such as reviews (e.g. facilitation, F2F meetings, research)

  • Members of the EPDP Team need to be willing to work towards consensus and need to be willing to compromise.
  • If you are on the team, you need to understand your responsibilities are to work on all topics, not pick and choose. Will be intensive work. Need to agree to that.

4. Assign discussion leads

Role: facilitate discussion of each topic. Also serve as panelist on high level interest session to introduce / cover this topic.

  • Composition / Membership Criteria: Keith Drazek
  • Leadership: Paul McGrady
  • Scope (mission, purposes, objectives, goals, deliverables, timeframes): Susan Kawaguchi
  • Decision-making methodologies: Rubens Kuhl
  • Status reporting: Darcy Southwell
  • Problem/Issue Escalation & Resolution Processes: Stephanie Perrin

Action item #4: Staff to circulate list of volunteers to mailing list, circulate blank charter, circulate draft charter, circulate comment summary - turn into google doc so leads can use that to further provide input.

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