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ALAC & Regional Leadership Wrap Up meeting 2013-07-18 - Durban

  1. Report from RALO Chairs (08: 00-09: 00)
  2. Review of ALAC Action Items (09: 00-09: 30) (Olivier Crépin-Leblond)

  3. ALAC Action (09: 30-10: 45) (Olivier Crépin-Leblond)
  4. Chair's Announcement (10: 45-11: 00) (Olivier Crépin-Leblond)

a. APRALO: METRICS for the Summit. First requirement to subscribe to mailing list. Participation in calls and mailing list. Need to prepare ALS. Cross Ralos cooperation. Measure their participation during the summit. Provide some post activities. AFRALO. After London have activities, not just capacity building, which is something we are doing. The important is the contributions to the ALS, to contribute to the discussions. To have the point of contacts. Find the way to get feedbacks from them. Bring back the feedback from the community to the leaders. First Summmit the als should complete a survey. All ALS are automatically subscribe to the mailing list. 

After the meeting all the fellows are required to send a report of their activities, impressions and commitments after the meeting. I think it is a good idea that we can implement for the summit. Apralo ddi the same after the Beijing meeting. they are in the wiki and also their recommendations for improving the ralo. Not add only numbers but productivity. 

There is a strong feeling that we need to review the ALS applications process. From Durban to Buenos Aires. AI. review the applications. Put to the Alac Subcommittee outreach the review of the process. Reactivate it. AI: Dev has volunteer to be considered as a co-chair for the ALAC Subcommitee on outreach. 

b. Durban Action Items.

Each monthly apralo call will include a spotlight presentation by a new als. 

Other ralos would be aware of a webinar on the outcome of the meeting strategy Wg. 

Embelishment of the ALS starter kit. (for Buenos Aires). Targetet strictly to ALS to get involve actively. 

c. Voted:

IGO/NGO: Statement voted in `favor


At-Large Draft Final Report ccNSO Study Group on the Use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs Workspace Voted in favor. 

At-Large Draft Final Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs Workspace -

At-Large Thick Whois Initial Report – GNSO Policy Development Process Workspace


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