FINAL DRAFT of 2024 APRALO RoP for read and review by APRALO Members as at Jan 18 2024 VIEW Only, Comments (substantive) need to be sent APRALO-Discuss list
A. Objectives/Terms of Reference
The working group will consider the following aspects related to membership:
- Examine the existing provisions in our Rules of Procedure, and suggest new provisions or modifications to existing provisions relating to the obligations and responsibilities of individual members.
- Clearly stipulate the roles and responsibilities of the elected individual member representative and his/her relations vis-à-vis the APRALO Leadership Team
- Design a Code of Conduct document laying out expected standards of behavior and other related matters, which is intended to be shared with every newcomer to our community.
- The WG will make sure that all changes to the ROPs are consistent with the At-Large Review recommendations.
B. Additional Points that may need to be addressed
Some issues that may need to be clarified (tentative, there may be more)
- Unaffiliated Individual Member criteria
- Says the applicant should not be a member of an existing ALS: is this valid?
- Enforcing the above criteria: trust the initial affidavit or "trust but verify". How about ongoing verification?
- Role of UIM Representative
- Is he/she an APRALO LT Member?
- What are his/her eligibilities?
- Job description/deliverable (such as Periodic updates to the APRALO community)
- The Election Process
- How to avoid conflicting leadership positions in APRALO and other ICANN positions
- Process of Nominations and Elections (for instance, should we forbid expression of support from the community on the list?)
- Membership type
- Need for an Associate Member category? (The recent case of China Internet Development Foundation)
- Membership status
- Affirming the current types of association
- ALS Representative
- Member of an APRALO ALS
- Unaffiliated Individual Member
- Subscriber of apac-discuss mailing list
- Periodic purge of apac-discuss list?
- Term of appointment for Individual members?
- Deregistration of ALSes
- Any ALAC-level decisions on membership post-ATLAS III
- Affirming the current types of association
- Code of Conduct
- Updating Expected Standards of Behaviour/Code of Conduct
- An APRALO Starter Pack?
C. Timeline
- The drafting team will obtain clearance from ICANN legal department
- The process of adoption of the new rules will include approval by APRALO membership.
Timeline - Target (Before the next GA)
Mailing list:
Next Call: 04 January 2024
Previous Call: 19 December 2023
D. Adoption by APRALO
Please refer to the APRALO ROP 2024 Adoption Wiki Page