Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the APRALO Capacity Buidling Webinar on Wednesday 11 March 2015 at 0500 UTC
Gisella Gruber:Agenda:
Holly Raiche:Hi Everyone Why does my screen have a thing called stage lights?
Maureen Hilyard:Hi there.. I have a large "Stage Lights" button.. ok .. snap Holly
Ariel Liang:Hi Holly and Maureen! This is a test for this tool. It is actually a timer
Holly Raiche:What does it do? I don't want to be on screen
Holly Raiche:A timer for what
Ariel Liang:a timer for keeping time.
Gisella Gruber:Hello All! We have a lovely timer here - is a bit distracting ;-)
Holly Raiche:So why do we need a timer?
Maureen Hilyard:its probably for you Holly
Holly Raiche:Thanks mate
Siranush Vardanyan:hello all, waiting for the dial out
Pavan Budhrani:hi all
Siranush Vardanyan:new toy on the screen? :))
Maureen Hilyard:But we can't see who the other participants are :(
Ariel Liang:Hello Siranush and Pavan
Siranush Vardanyan:hi, Ariel, Maureen, welcome back home:)
Ali AlMeshal:hello to all
Holly Raiche:That's my issue with it - we don't see the list of who else is there/raising their hand/clapping etc
Ariel Liang:Hello Ali!
Maureen Hilyard:Can it be minimised in size?
Ariel Liang:thank you Siranush
Ariel Liang:I will remove the timer now then. was just testing new tool
Holly Raiche:Not minimised - what about doing away with it!
Siranush Vardanyan:i am in the call
Maureen Hilyard:Hi Siranush
Maureen Hilyard:Siranush is it winter where you are.. you seem to get a cold quite often..
Siranush Vardanyan:yes, Maureen, it is actually end of wintyer and start of spring
Maureen Hilyard:change of seasons..
Holly Raiche:@ Maureen - not everyone is experiencing lovely summer!
Maureen Hilyard:all year round :)
Siranush Vardanyan:i agree, Maureen:)
Heidi Ullrich::)
Heidi Ullrich:These regional based capacity building webinars are being planned in various numbers in AFRALO, LACRALO and now APRALO :)
Heidi Ullrich:GSE staff/Regional hubs are involved which is a great to collaborate
Heidi Ullrich:Please also note that there is a current At-Large Capacity Building series of webinars active at the moment
Maureen Hilyard:Good call, Holly.. some backgrounding in the policy to be developed would be helpful for ALSes to comment on.
Satish Babu:Agree that one per month should be max
Siranush Vardanyan:i also agree for one per month
Pavan Budhrani:one per month is best
Maureen Hilyard:Perhaps one related to policy/governance and one for our technical community
Ali AlMeshal:I agree as well for one per month
Heidi Ullrich:@Satish, do you mean one regional specific webinar per month or one capacity building webinar (At-Large or regional specific)?
Siranush Vardanyan:Maureen, I agree with Heidi that there is also At-Large webinars in parallel, it may be overburdening
Maureen Hilyard:Are we organising these webinars specifically for APRALO?
Heidi Ullrich:@Maureen, yet
Heidi Ullrich:yes
Siranush Vardanyan:in parallel with At Large I agree to have one regional (APRALO)
Heidi Ullrich:to target APRALO interests :)
Satish Babu:I guess it depends on the target audience...For the general community member, more than one a month would be hard.
Siranush Vardanyan:Heidi, I thought those were for ALL ALS?
Siranush Vardanyan:not APRALO specific
Maureen Hilyard:@Siranush.. OK.. so Kelvin's technical webinars which are useful for the wider group of Asia Pacific At-Large community is not counted in this?
Pavan Budhrani:can we do webinar 30 mins before the apralo call
Pavan Budhrani:make it as one
Pavan Budhrani:then we can get more ALS to join the webinar and call
Satish Babu:At-Large/ALAN level webinars should be outside this
Satish Babu:Sorry ALAC
Gisella Gruber:At-Large Capacity Building Program - 2015
Siranush Vardanyan:i am confused honestly:)
Holly Raiche:Maybe he introductory track when here are new members etc- maybe a webinar before each ICANN meeting on the issues being considered?
Holly Raiche:And maybe the webinars can be used for an ALS to explain to an ALS what ALAC/the RALOS are and do
Siranush Vardanyan:there is a general webinar before each ICANN meeting organized by ICANN, so, this is the matter of participation
Siranush Vardanyan:the webinar on what is ALS, and the roles is good
Heidi Ullrich:@Maureen, I think that is a good idea. The APRALO webinars are being planned to be very interactive so APRALO members may ask questions, etc.
Heidi Ullrich:There might also be ICANN LEARN online courses developed for these APRALO capacity building webinars
Heidi Ullrich:it is similar to an APRALO classroom :)
Ali AlMeshal 2:There are many other capacity building webinar that are organized by At-large which Teijany is looking after
Maureen Hilyard:There are so many different learning tools already available - we need to coordinate these first
Ali AlMeshal 2:So we need to offer diffrent type of these type or tracks
Maureen Hilyard:You're right Ali.. cos some ALSes are interested in different types of training..
Heidi Ullrich:@Maureen, coordination/integration of tools is, I believe, what is being considered here
Maureen Hilyard:But we need to keep track of what ALSes are attending, and how effective they think the training tool is for them
Maureen Hilyard:@Heidi.. awesome
Ali AlMeshal 2:agree with you Maureen, so we need to be Focused on our tracks and diffrent
Heidi Ullrich:so, we might start a pilot series, then see how it is working for the members
Heidi Ullrich:and how it could be improved
Pavan Budhrani:agree with siranush
Pavan Budhrani:focus on content
Satish Babu:+1 Siranush
Siranush Vardanyan:yes
Siranush Vardanyan:+1 Holly, we are inventing bycicle in case of using what we have already
Ali AlMeshal 2:totally agree with Holly
Siranush Vardanyan:excellent division of topics already in place
Maureen Hilyard:I like them..
Maureen Hilyard:Are they in English
Satish Babu:Agree.
Gisella Gruber:Confirming languages for LACRALO Webinars
Satish Babu:Sorry, have to step out briefly as I have unexpected guests
Siranush Vardanyan:+1
Pavan Budhrani:all these webinars done, we should record them and once a year, we can give the ALS'es the USB's to all ALS and APRALO officers too
Heidi Ullrich:@Pavan, good idea. We could do that
Heidi Ullrich:another option is to post them all on our new website - so they jusst need to download them
Holly Raiche:@ Pan anad Heidi - yes, good idea Heidi will drive people to the new website too
Heidi Ullrich:we might be able to send announcements when new webinars are added
Siranush Vardanyan:+1 Maureen
Maureen Hilyard:I agree Siranush.. that is my understanding as well.
Maureen Hilyard:Mailing list has been very effective for us
Ali AlMeshal 2:+1 Siranush
Heidi Ullrich:Has the duration of the survey been agreed?
Maureen Hilyard:thank you Ariel.. I'll be in touch if my colleagues here in Raro can't help me
Maureen Hilyard:I'm OK with March 31.
Heidi Ullrich:Also, just to confirm, the survey will be in EN only
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks for confirming, Siranush
Holly Raiche:Folks - I"ll have to leave this call at 1700 (in aobut 10 minutes) so I"d like to support having the webinar on the IANA issues as suggested
Ariel Liang:
Siranush Vardanyan:Holly, we need to finish in 10 minutes, I also have to leave ;)
Holly Raiche:Maybe circulate the list first and ask people tocomment before the APRALOmeeting?
Maureen Hilyard:Hopefully we will be able to get some idea of priority from our ALSes.. to pass on to you Kelvin
Maureen Hilyard:You are asking for a "one size fits all" model for RALOs.. is that what we want??, the priorty will be important for us to determine which topics to go first for eg +1
Heidi Ullrich:As in the EU, perhaps 'mutual recognition" rather than 'harmonization'.... ;)
Siranush Vardanyan:my call was interrupted :) right on time
Heidi Ullrich:@Siranush, did you drop?
Siranush Vardanyan:yes, Heidi
Siranush Vardanyan:sorry, I am dropped
Heidi Ullrich:We're in touch wiht Adigo
Ariel Liang:
Heidi Ullrich:Dialing back
Maureen Hilyard:@Ariel.. I hate those 1-5 surveys..
Siranush Vardanyan:+1 maureen:)
Ali AlMeshal 2:sorry i have to run to other meeting, apologize
Holly Raiche:Savethe questions for later
Holly Raiche:I
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome back, Siranush
Holly Raiche:ll leave it up to Maureen too
Heidi Ullrich:We hear you, Maureen. Would you like a space where they can inform you of what is on their mind?
Heidi Ullrich:Or does this question do that: C.3 If you are not yet a member of a working group, how can we help you become more involved?
Siranush Vardanyan:we want them to TELL what they want, and us to see what we can GIVE them, but first wwe want to hear from them
Siranush Vardanyan:we want them to TELL what they want, and us to see what we can GIVE them, but first wwe want to hear from them
Maureen Hilyard:@Heidi.. yes QC.3.. that was the point.. to enable them to be free as to what they might do
Maureen Hilyard:@Ariel. yes
Heidi Ullrich:great.
Siranush Vardanyan:we can have webinar on IANA in anyway
Siranush Vardanyan:because it is a HOT TOPIC
Siranush Vardanyan:so, if we can organize it, that may be useful Webinar on IDN on April 9 and that is targetted at APAC timing and APAC community
Siranush Vardanyan:and consider this as a starting of our series of webinars:)
Holly Raiche:Sorry folks - really do have to go - thanks for the webinar
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, leadership!
Maureen Hilyard:it would be a good start.. as you say Srik the IANA issue is topical!
Maureen Hilyard:Does the staff keep a log of attendance of APRALO members as they do for the ALAC members?
Heidi Ullrich:@Maureen, do you mean the APAC Hubs webinars?
Heidi Ullrich:or for the APRALO monthly calls?
Maureen Hilyard:Any webinars. keeping attendance records for ALS members.. it could be part of the engagement metrics we are looking at
Siranush Vardanyan:definitely,. Maureen
Heidi Ullrich:I believe we do. I can ask Gisella to confrm
Maureen Hilyard:including working group attendance
Gisella Gruber:We keep attendance for the webinars but not per regions nor ALS
Maureen Hilyard:It would be difficult as participants don't normally add which region they are from
Gisella Gruber:Yes some people put their ALS and others sometimes just join with their first names
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks all!
Heidi Ullrich:Good inititiative
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