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Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, joke Braeken

Apologies:  ,Dejan Đukić


1. Welcome roll-call
2. Operating Standards Update (Katrina)
o Next Steps
3. Update EC AC and ccNSO related Guidelines Empowered Community (Stephen)
4. Update travel funding discussion (Katrina)
5. AOB
6. Next meeting: 12 March @13:45 in CPH (remote participation will be available)


Chat transcript:

Ben Fuller:Afternoon
Kimberly Carlson:Hello, welcome all!
David McAuley:I wish I could do up slides that look as nice as Katrina's
Katrina Sataki:that's a special talent ;)
Ben Fuller:Clearly one that I don't have ...
David McAuley:or me
martin boyle, Nominet:3 per region: that's a high % for N Am
martin boyle, Nominet:And small for A-P
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I agree with that, just to say in the guideline that explanation will be best :)
David McAuley:Maybe better to say "No sooner than" in stead of "at least"
Ben Fuller:I have read (an understood) french Strucuralist Philosophy, and I have to admit that the Bylaws have me stumped at places :-D
David McAuley:will do Katrina
David McAuley:good catch Martin
Ben Fuller:This is a very good point by Martin.
David McAuley:3 from NA might be wise if the councilor is from NA - migfht be less worthwhile if used to block removal of a councilor from another region
martin boyle, Nominet:ah, not thinking about blocking!
David McAuley:ok, my mistake Katrina
Ben Fuller:If NA has 5 members then 50% +1 will still equal 3
martin boyle, Nominet:yes: if you get there, there is a reason for the councillor to go!
martin boyle, Nominet:I'm fine with Bart's idea
David McAuley:me too, makes sense
Ben Fuller:In line with Bart
martin boyle, Nominet:not me!
David McAuley:I did not - had a conflict
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:nope
Ben Fuller:Sorry missed it
Kimberly Carlson:If anyone is interested, the recording can be found here:
David McAuley:Thabnks Kim, was just about to ask
David McAuley:Thanks, that is
Kimberly Carlson::)
David McAuley:Fair point Bart, about GRC interest here
David McAuley:Thanks Bart - quite helpful
David McAuley:OK - thanks - will look for that session in Copenhagen
David McAuley:I also note a particular interest - IRPs will become a matter for periodic review and this will be an important part of managing the IRP process and I have an interest there
David McAuley:as part of the IRP IOT
David McAuley:yes Bart
David McAuley:thanks
Ben Fuller:David, the more I dig through the new Bylaws, the more I realise that all fot his is of interest to us. I expect us to spend significant time on such matters over the next 12-18 months
David McAuley:Agreed Ben - good point
Ben Fuller:*all of this is*
David McAuley:Stephen is becoming an expert in Annex D -
Mirjana Tasic .rs:I support Bar't discussion
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Sorry David's
David McAuley:will do
David McAuley:a little more time to read cleaner doc would be nice
Ben Fuller:It looks much better to me
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Not from me :)
David McAuley:won't be long to get together in CPH
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hehehe ;)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hahaha :D
Eduardo Santoyo:yesss
Eduardo Santoyo:ha ha ha
Eduardo Santoyo:see you in CPH..
martin boyle, Nominet:I will not be there
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:yes!
David McAuley:plan to be there, yes
Ben Fuller:Will be there
Mirjana Tasic .rs:yes
martin boyle, Nominet:Strange definition of NICE
David McAuley:Thanks Katrina, Bart, staff and all, good bye - we will miss you Martin
martin boyle, Nominet:When's the next call?
Eduardo Santoyo:thank you..
martin boyle, Nominet:27/3
martin boyle, Nominet:So I might not be able to join that
David McAuley:sounds good
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Sounds ok
martin boyle, Nominet:sorry
martin boyle, Nominet:yes
martin boyle, Nominet:a different meeting
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you !! :)
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye
Kimberly Carlson:Bye, thank you
Ben Fuller:Bye

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