Andrea Glandon: (9/20/2018 11:24) Welcome to the ICANN63 Planning Committee Call held on Thursday, 20 September 2018 at 18:00 UTC.
Maureen Hilyard: (12:58) I bet they sound better than bloody roosters...
Maureen Hilyard: (12:59) japan
Ricardo Holmquist: (13:00) Good evening everyone
Maureen Hilyard: (13:05) Dsniels' meeting with the embassy has been brought forward to the 25th
Cheryl (CLO): (13:07) Sooner is always better than later with these things
Cheryl (CLO): (13:09) I would think ALAC slots are ALAC Slots but whatever
Maureen Hilyard: (13:09) At least give them a couple of days max to get back to us or we will assign it elsewhere
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:10) I agree with Alan
Cheryl (CLO): (13:10) Perhaps it changed after my time
Heidi Ullrich: (13:10) We first need to let Seun know.
Bartlett Morgan: (13:11) the last meeting
Bartlett Morgan: (13:11) yes
Cheryl (CLO): (13:11) indeed Heidi he may still be able to travel (liklt not but...)
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:12) -- looks like no visa necessary for Europe
Maureen Hilyard: (13:15) Vanda was saying that she would be in Barcelona - she is organising the DNS women's session
Maureen Hilyard: (13:16) She may already have funding..
Ricardo Holmquist: (13:24) we are not doing an outreach, wouldn't it be nice to have interpretation?, or do we already have interpretation on the room
Cheryl (CLO): (13:27) there is also considerable cost for that as well Ricardo
Ricardo Holmquist: (13:32) Tanks everyone!
Cheryl (CLO): (13:33) and ALAC covers the cost of interpretation then
Cheryl (CLO): (13:33) SIGH
Cheryl (CLO): (13:39) how (perhaps accuratly) cynical of you Alan :-)
Ricardo Holmquist: (13:42) this ALT meeting is for the new ALT?, this meeting is instead of the friday meeting?
Andrea Glandon: (13:42) checking her line
Gisella Gruber: (13:42) @ Riacardo - new ALT
Cheryl (CLO): (13:42) I won;t be with the ALT then as it clashes with GNSO then
Gisella Gruber: (13:42) and yes we have the Development on Friday morning for ALAC and RALO
Ricardo Holmquist: (13:42) thanks Gisella!
Cheryl (CLO): (13:45) I preferred the working dinner with ALT...
Cheryl (CLO): (13:45) better team builing IMO
Cheryl (CLO): (13:46) you could extend the ALT to ALAC that night
Heidi Ullrich: (13:47) We could do an open breakfast on Friday for those who wish
Cheryl (CLO): (13:47) there is good reason to do that IMO
Cheryl (CLO): (13:47) Yes Heidi always a good plan
Heidi Ullrich: (13:47) and just have them all meet at a certain time in the hotel restaurant
Heidi Ullrich: (13:47) and the bars are always an option
Heidi Ullrich: (13:47) yes, but they need to eat breakfast
Heidi Ullrich: (13:48) it is just a breakfast - not a meeting
Cheryl (CLO): (13:48) yes just a gathering
Cheryl (CLO): (13:48) not a meeting so check out and
Cheryl (CLO): (13:48) come have open house Bfast
Cheryl (CLO): (13:49) deffinatly G
Heidi Ullrich: (13:52) @Gentle reminder: Board questions due on 1 October:
Maureen Hilyard: (13:57) Are we going to have an Implementation session.?
Heidi Ullrich: (14:00) Sally - ALAC
Maureen Hilyard: (14:01) GDD - I'd like them there
Heidi Ullrich: (14:01) Regional RVPs - Regional Leadership
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:01) you might wish to reserve some time in the wrap up just in case there are some Statements to ratify by a vote
Maureen Hilyard: (14:01) Yes OCL.. there may be some ready by then
Maureen Hilyard: (14:02) Personally yes to finance - RALOs would like to hear too
Cheryl (CLO): (14:06) OK Bye for now then CPWG has just started
Ricardo Holmquist: (14:06) good day, bye
Maureen Hilyard: (14:06) OK. call next week is ok with me..
Bartlett Morgan: (14:07) bye all
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