IDN Variant TLD Program
The ICANN IDN Variant TLD Program is tasked with exploring the issues associated with the potential inclusion of IDN variant TLDs in the DNS root zone.
In Toronto, work in progress on 2 projects were presented by the ICANN IDN Variant TLD Program Team:
- Label Generation Ruleset Process for the Root - The development of a procedure to develop and maintain the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone.
- User Experience with active Variants - The study of possible user experience implications of activating two or more IDN variant TLDs.
At-Large Responses to the Projects:
- The At-Large IDN Working Group meeting in Toronto focused on issues surrounding a preliminary report on the Label Generation Ruleset Process for the Root. Based on the discussion, a written response has been drafted (see, which will be voted upon by the ALAC and targeted for submission on 27 November 2012. 3 areas of concern were highlighted in the response: (a) Lack of policy expertise specified for the proposed panels that will help balance the need for strict security and stability conservativeness versus the support needed for acceptable IDN implementation from the users' point of view; (b) Lack of expressed accountability and review of process; and (c) Insufficient explanation of how the specific process fits into the wider processes regarding new gTLD and IDN ccTLD.
- A draft response to the "Interim Report Examining the User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs" is currently being developed for discussion with the At-Large IDN Working Group prior to ALAC consultation and vote. When ready the draft will be posted here:
IDN Country Code Policy Development
On 10 November 2012, the ALAC response to the draft IDN ccTLD String Selection Criteria, Requirements and Processes for countries, territories and special areas of geographic interests listed in ISO 3166-1 was submitted to the ccNSO. The ALAC statement highlighted the following: a) applicability of the Root Zone Label Generation Rules to IDN ccTLDs; b) confusing similarity assessment based on the perspective of the local IDN user; c) dispute resolution facilitation via provision of informational materials and case studies on best practices for the local actors to consider in their dispute resolution process or encouragement on the use of any neutral dispute resolution facility for IDN ccTLD string contention; and d) consideration of the needs of cross-border language communities in determining language jurisdiction.