As per Section 19.9 of the ALAC Rules of Procedure, RALOs have their opportunity to start possible petition process and suggest adding to the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) Slate other Candidates who have submitted Expression of Interests (EoIs) for the ICANN Board Director position. The successfully petitioned Candidates, who have received support through a formal vote of at least three of the five RALOs, will be included in the Final Slate.
By the deadline of 29 January 2017 23:59 UTC, the optional Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) petition process in the ICANN Board Director selection did not result in any successful petition to add names to the BCEC Slate of Candidates and this stage of the process has now concluded. Specifically, APRALO, LACRALO, and NARALO do not support EURALO’s petition to add Sebastien Bachollet to the Final Slate of Candidates. AFRALO's vote on its decision on EURALO's petition did not reach quorum by the poll closing time. According to Section 19.9 of the ALAC Rules of Procedure, Candidates will be added only if they receive support through a formal vote of at least three (3) of the five RALOs.
EURALO Petition for an Additional Candidate for the ICANN Board Director Selection
21:59 UTC
23:59 UTC
Voter Anonymity
Quorum Requirement
20 or more electorates must vote to reach quorum.
Vote Method
An electorate can only make one choice from the possible vote answers.
Result Interpretation
'Abstention' is counted toward quorum, but not counted toward result interpretation. In other words, the option with the highest votes, NOT counting abstention, wins.
Tie Breaking
Olivier Crepin-Leblond will choose one candidate over the other to break the tie and needs to inform At-Large Staff via email about his choice.
Vote Change
Once a vote has been casted in BigPulse, change is not allowed.
Vote Wording
Dear All,
EURALO’s Chair and Secretariat would like to announce the start of the vote for the EURALO petition for an additional Candidate for the ICANN Board Director Selection. This poll will be open from 20 Jan 2017 at 21:59 UTC to 23 Jan 2017 at 23:59 UTC.
Should EURALO support the petition for Sébastien Bachollet to be added to the Final Slate of Candidates for the ICANN Board Seat 15 election?
AFRALO Decision on EURALO's Petition for the ICANN Board Director Selection
21:59 UTC
23:59 UTC
Voter Anonymity
Quorum Requirement
24 or more electorates must vote to reach quorum.
Vote Method
An electorate can only make one choice from the possible vote answers.
Result Interpretation
The option with the highest votes wins.
Tie Breaking
Aziz Hilali will choose one candidate over the other to break the tie and needs to inform At-Large Staff via email about his choice.
Vote Change
Once a vote has been casted in BigPulse, change is not allowed.
Vote Wording
Dear All,
AFRALO’s Chair and Secretariat would like to announce the start of the vote for the AFRALO decision on EURALO's petition for the ICANN Board Director selection. This poll will be open from 24 Jan 2017 at 21:59 UTC to 28 Jan 2017 at 23:59 UTC.
Should AFRALO support EURALO's petition for Sébastien Bachollet to be added to the Final Slate of Candidates for the ICANN Board Director selected by the At-Large Community?
Le Président et le Secrétariat de l'AFRALO souhaitent annoncer le début du vote pour le soutien de l'AFRALO à la pétition d'EURALO pour la sélection du Directeur du Conseil de l'ICANN. Ce sondage sera ouvert du 24 janvier 2017 à 23:59 UTC au 28 janvier 2017 à 23:59 UTC.
l’AFRALO devrait-elle soutenir la pétition d’EURALO pour que Sébastien Bachollet soit ajouté à la liste finale des candidats pour le Directeur du Conseil de l’ICANN choisi par la communauté At-Large?
Kindly note that the vote for the AFRALO decision on EURALO's petition for the ICANN Board Director selection is now closed.
Should AFRALO support EURALO's petition for Sébastien Bachollet to be added to the Final Slate of Candidates for the ICANN Board Director selected by the At-Large Community?
As at Poll close: Saturday 28 January 2017 23:59 UTC Number of voters: 16 · Group size: 47 · Percentage voted: 34.04 Ranked by votes
Since only 16/47 ALS representatives voted by the poll closing time, the vote did not reach quorum. The vote cannot be extended as per timeline restriction.
You may have seen the message from BMSPC intimating the outcome of EURALO's petition process, on the matter of a petition candidate for the ongoing Board Member selection process. We are now consulting the APRALO Community to resolve our regional position on this matter through a Consensus Call, as is our practice for key decisions, wherever possible. The APRALO Leadership Team, after discussions, has agreed upon the following:
We have every good faith and belief that the BCEC has acted to the best of its ability without bias, favour, or external influence, in identifying a slate of candidates.
We believe that the BCEC process considered the case of every applicant who had applied, and made a decision considering all relevant factors while identifying the slate consisting of, in the opinion the BCEC, the two top-ranking applications for further consideration.
If there is consensus within the community on both points above, APRALO will not support the Petition.
Kindly let us know, by reply e-mail to this list, if you have any significant objections to us Resolving that 'APRALO does not support any addition of applicants by petition onto the Final Slate of Candidates.' as outlined above.
This call will be open on this list until Thursday 26th January at 2359 UTC for any active ALS or Unaffiliated Individual Member to make any objections known. After this time, assuming a consensus emerges, we would take appropriate next steps. On behalf of the APRALO Leadership Team,