Public Comments Focus Group (Jul-Aug 2011)

Public Comments Focus Group (Jul-Aug 2011)

The pages in this space were created for a Focus Group that was held from 20 July through 19 August 2011 to provide input on three ATRT Recommendations concerning ICANN's Public Comments processes. The forum is now INACTIVE; however, for transparency purposes, the contents are being made accessible to all ICANN community members. Further commenting and editing have been disabled to preserve the forum's integrity; however, if you have any further input on this process, please write to: participation@icann.org.
A summary report (PDF) of the Focus Group's deliberations is also available.

Note: The following information and all other pages in this space have been preserved as they were at the conclusion of the Focus Group on 19 August 2011.
Public Comment Focus Group Page Description

THANK YOU for your involvement and participation!

This area is intended to be a collaboration space dedicated to the Public Comment Focus Group.


The Focus Group members are:


Group or Organization

Dev Anand Teelucksingh

At-Large (LACRALO)

Don Blumenthal

Registries Stakeholder Group

Frederic Guillemaut

Registrars Stakeholder Group

Jonathan Zuck

Commercial Stakeholders Group

Sokol Haxhiu


Primary Staff Support to the Focus Group will be provided by:



Email Address

Filiz Yilmaz

Participation & Engagement


Ken Bour



Note: This space is currently restricted (View/Edit) to Staff pending instantiation of the Focus Group circa 20 July 2011.


On 30 June 2011, Filiz Yilmaz, Sr Director-Participation & Engagement, sent the following request to community leaders seeking volunteers for this Focus Group. This letter will serve as a brief introduction to the overall purpose, scope, and expectations of the effort. Supplemental materials will be contained on other pages within this space.

Dear Community Leaders,

I communicated to you in Singapore that we would like to receive your support in forming a Focus Group to provide some initial feedback on two specific Public Comment implementation proposals relating to ATRT Recommendations 15, 16 and 17.

This email is intended to provide additional details to help you in identifying individuals to participate in this activity.

Purpose: To help ICANN Staff assess the usability and viability of certain implementation constructs related to the Public Comment process as recommended by the ATRT.

Team Members: We would prefer to keep the Focus Group relatively small and are therefore requesting one representative from of each ICANN SO, AC or SG.

Methodology: Due to the challenges in scheduling telephone calls/meetings and considering the nature of the topics/questions, our plan is that the group will interact and collaborate via a dedicated space within ICANN's Confluence Wiki environment. Details (e.g., links, login information) will be sent to the volunteers separately. At this time, no meetings are planned.

Duration: We anticipate that the feedback period will last one month from 20 July through 19 August at which point the dedicated Wiki space will be closed.

Content: ICANN Staff will outline two current proposals to the Focus Group and collect initial feedback (via the Wiki). The two specific topics that the Focus Group's will be asked to provide feedback are:

Topic 1: Stratification/Prioritization of Public Comments

Topic 2: Comment/Reply Structure for Public Comments

Scope: The Focus Group will be asked specific questions concerning the topics listed above and feedback/responses will be collected via the Wiki. The ATRT Recommendations have been reviewed by the ICANN Community and approved by the ICANN Board; therefore, the Focus Group will not be asked to validate the ATRT Recommendations themselves.

Outcomes: The Wiki collaboration and discussion threads will be used by Staff to inform its planning concerning the implementation topics listed above. Staff does not plan to issue any written reports or summaries of the Focus Group's deliberations; however, the Wiki may be opened for public read access once the work is completed. Elements of the feedback may be incorporated into a formal Public Comment solicitation that will deal with these same topics circa September 2011.

I hope you find the above information helpful in identifying and selecting candidates to help with this feedback process.

We hope to hear back from you with one volunteer contact detail from your group latest by 13 July 2011 in order to start the activity as outlined above.

Kind regards,

Filiz Yilmaz
Sr Dir Participation and Engagement

Child pages in this hierarchy:

Created by:  Ken Bour

SCOPE Team Wiki