EPDP Team Questions for ICANN Org
Temporary Specification Expiration
- The Team seeks clarification on the exact expiry date of the Temporary Specification. In Section 3, the effective date of the Temporary Specification is 25 May 2018, but was adopted on 17 May 2018.
Per Section 3 of the Temporary Specification, the effective date of the Temporary Specification is 25 May 2018. Additionally, the ICANN Board resolution adopting the Temporary Specification states: “The Temporary Specification will be effective for a 90-day period beginning 25 May 2018. The Board will reaffirm its temporary adoption every 90 calendar days for a total period not to exceed one year.”
Temporary Specification Amendments
- If the Board is considering any amendments to the Temporary Specification, it would be helpful if the EPDP Team can be made aware of any proposed changes in advance. Is the Board currently considering any amendments to the Temporary Specification? To address what requirement?
ICANN Org is not aware that any amendments are currently being considered. The Board is scheduled to meet in August to consider reaffirming the Temporary Specification according to the process in ICANN’s agreements for adopting temporary policies and specifications.
Temporary Specification Terminology Clarification
1. When ICANN refers to “security” as part of its mission - can ICANN describe what types of security are included??
The word “security” appears 36 times in the ICANN Bylaws in relation to topics such as: the DNS, the Internet, the Internet’s system of unique identifiers, the Internet’s root server systems, the registry database, and Top Level Domains.
2. With regard to the term “content,” in Section 4.4.5 - can ICANN provide context for use of the term?
It is generally believed that ICANN does not see itself in the role of a content regulator but there are scenarios where use of the term “content” is appropriate in this section.
Section 4.4.5 of the Temporary Specification provides a mechanism for third parties to contact Registered Name Holders to address “technical issues and/or errors with a Registered Name or any content or resources associated with such a Registered Name.” With regards to the question about ICANN being a “content regulator,” Section 1.1.c of ICANN’s Bylaws makes clear that ICANN does not regulate content.