The Internet Research Project Pakistan is an online pluralism civil society network that brings together thought leaders, civil society, press and journalists, information activists and advocates, technical community, state and non-state actors, policy analysts, political and social scientists, ICT professionals and academics to share public policy advice, information and knowledge about the state of the Internet and World Wide Web in Pakistan while respecting and promoting human rights, contributing to its openness and protecting pluralism online. We achieve this by:
- Act as a central point on Internet Governance and Public Policy related issues.
- Nurturing and protecting our network of information advocacy and advocates.
- Providing technical and knowledge support to facilitate an online network that promotes freedom of expression and pluralism online.
- Protecting the privacy of our membership.
- Helping advocate, research and dialogue public policy discussions that shape the Internet and World Wide Web in Pakistan.
- Researching, disseminating and advocating facts and analysis through electronic and print media on a regular basis.
- Contribute research and baseline data publications on a regular basis that helps informs the public about the state of the Internet in Pakistan.
Links to public advocacy:
Dial-a-death. January 2013 by Pique Magazine.
The macabre chess game between tech-savvy terrorists and the agencies trying to catch up with them Virtually Blocked - December 9, 2012 by The International NEWS. With no breakthrough on YouTube registration in Pakistan in sight, the authorities affirm the ban will stay - Not for YouTube - October 21, 2012 by Pakistan Press Foundation.
- Trouble on the Cards - November 11, 2012 by Pakistan Press Foundation
IRP2's membership is open and the privacy of information advocates is kept confidential.
IRP2 website: (currently under re-development and hosting change)
IRP2 contact : N.Cheema - internet.research.pakistan [@]
IRP2 Senior Public Policy Representative and Advocate: Fouad Bajwa - fouad.bajwa [@]