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 August 2013 Report


The following three orgnisations have been formally accepted as ALSs

  • the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network
  • South Pacific Computer Society
  • Internet Society - Nepal Chapter
APRALO Meeting in August:

- Spotlight: Satish Babu give the first spotlight presentation on his ALS, the Computer Society of India, including its formation, structure and activities:  see

-       Satish provided an update of the Meeting Strategy WG . The issues being considered include whether ICANN should continue with three global meetings a year, or two meetings a year plus another meeting in each region, selection of venues for meetings (including rotation and selection criteria) and suppot arrangements for travel and visas.  The WG is due to report to the Board in September.

-       Policy Update: Olivier summarized the current issues before ICANN, including ALAC’s involvement in the policies, Participation of ALSs in policy discussions was encouraged

-       APRALO’s relationship with APNIC was discussed.

-       The meeting agreed that there should be a WG to look at APRALO procedures and their compliance with the revised ALAC Rules of Procedure (RoP)

Action items on everyone (including staff)
  • be sure all of you are signed up to the APRALO and other mailing lists
  • on the APRALO ALS list, check that the entry for your ALS is correct - and let staff know if anything that needs correcting
  • volunteer to talk about your ALS to an APRALO meeting
  • consider volunteering for the WG on RoP
  • suggest policy topics for webinars

 July 2013 Report


Two ALSs have been officially decertified:

  • Internet Users Network - Tokyo (at their request)
  • Internet Society of Pakistan (which had ceased to exist and has been replaced)

Three orgnisations have applied for ALAC membership - which are in the process of being reviewed and will be voted on including

  • the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network
  • South Pacific Computer Society
  • Internet Society - Nepal Chapter

Election Outcomes:

New Vice Chair: Siranush Vardanyan,  

New NomCom Rep (replacing Siranush)Satish Babu  And our new New ALAC rep (to assume office at the 2013 AGM) Maureen Hillyard. Congratulations again to all - and a reminder to everyone - that we need all of your support.

APRALO Meeting in Durban:

The meeting began with Kuek Yu-Chuang, the newly appointed Vice President for Global Stakeholder Engagement for the Asian Region. He assumes office on 1 August - when he will be based in Singapore. Others in the Singapore office will include staff for compliance and registrars/registries. (He would like to be involved in all of our meetings)

 He talked a bit on his background (he is a Senior Director with Yahoo) and then on what he sees as a fundamental tension in his job.  On the one hand, it is his job to listen to and understand the needs on the ground of his various constituents but that must fit into ICANN plans and commitments that have already been decided and are in train.  The cornerstone of his job will be an APEC strategy which will be launched at the regional IGF in Korea.

 Rinalia talked on the planned IGF workshop - an APRALO-ICANN collaboration on IDNs and IDN variants, looking at the many issues involved, including security and stability, and language scripts.  Cheryl also provided an update on the regional IGF in Korea.

 The meeting agreed that, from now on, we will be devoting at least 5 minutes or more to one or our ALSs giving us all a presentation on that ALS - a bit about its members and its activities.   Satish will be the presenter for the August meeting.

We went through the the outcomes from the survey Pavan did after Beijing.  The main conclusions included the overuse of ICANN terminology (explain the acronyms if you use them), how the ICANN schedule can be overwhelming - so each meeting needs a bit of explanation, more ALS participation,  and praise for the Fellowship  program and its orientation to ICANN.

In the issues sessions, the main issues were covered and have largely been dealt with.  The one big outstanding issue is a proposal from an Expert Working Group (which Carlton was on) that is proposing a new structure for the collection, handling, verification and dissemination of registrant data.  Comment is due mid-August

Action items on everyone (including staff)

  • be sure all of you are signed up to the APRALO and other mailing lists
  • on the APRALO ALS list, check that the entry for your ALS is correct - and let staff know if anything that needs correcting
  • volunteer to talk about your ALS to an APRALO meeting
  • Staff - please send out a soft copy of the guide to ALAC to all APRALO ALSs


June 2013 Report


 The ALAC will be voting in early July on the decertification of two ALSs: the Internet Users Network Tokyo and ISOC Pakistan. 

APRALO Meeting Report  (25 June 2013)

The new Vice Chair Siranush Vardanyan chaired the meeting in Holly’s absence.


APRALO Nominees for NomCom

The two nominees for the NonCom from APRALO  - Gunela Astbrink from the Internet Society of Australia, and Ali Al Meshad from the Bahrain Internet Society – talked to the meeting about their background and experience.

APRALO Representative to ALAC

The elections for the APRALO representative to the ALAC will be held from 28 June to 5 July. The nominees are Maureen Hillyard and Fouad Bajwa.

Beijing Outcomes

Pavan spoke to responses he has feedback he has received from a survey he has conducted with the ALCs on the Beijing meeting, including steps for better communications between ALSs

Durban Meeting

Discussions in Durban will include updates and ways forward for both the rIGF in Seoul and the IGF in Bali.

Policy Issues

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond summarised the ICANN policy issues that are open for comment, including those where a penholder has been named and those that the ALAC is considering whether or not to provide a response.

NomCom Selection

Cheryl Langdon-Orr provided information about the ‘360’ process where current NomCom members will be interviewed to evaluate current NomCom leadership.

May 2013 Report


 There are requests for the decertification of two ALSs: the Internet Users Network Tokyo and ISOC Pakistan.  The ALAC will vote on decertification of both.

APRALO Meeting Report –  (has been separately circulated – the main items are)

  • Beijing Meeting

Both the Multi-Stakeholder Forum and the Showcase events were a huge success, with attendees beyond ALAC members to include many others interested in the topics being discussed and Board members meeting ALAC and APRALO – with a huge thanks to Maureen and Rinalia (and ICANN staff)

  • Finance:

Olivier (together with ALAC member Tijani Ben Jemaa) attended a briefing on the budget projects for FY14. The APRALO request for funding for a workshop at the IGF has been approved, and our request for funding to participate in the AP regional IGF is under review.

  1. Elections for the APRALO Vice Chair will close 7 June
  2. The timeline for an APRALO representative to ALAC is:
  3. ·         Nomination period ends  14 June
  4. ·         Acceptance period ends 21 June
  5. ·         Elections – 28 June – 5 July

NomCom nominations are due 7 June. 

APRALO held a webinar on an APRALO representative to the ALAC – what the representative is expected to do. 

  • Policy Issues

Olivier reviewed policy issues open for discussion, including ALAC response.  APRALO members should review the issues and provide any feedback on the wiki. He particularly mentioned the ATRT2 review which is open for any and all comments and invited APRALO members to comment on this issue.


February 2013 Report


We are happy to welcome the Armenian Association for the Disabled as a new member of At- Large Community – and APRALO.

APRALO Meeting Report –  26 February

Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Chair of the At-Large new gTLD Review Group

Dev outlined the purpose of the review group – to provide community input  (and objections) on proposed new gTLDs.  He outlined the process by which ALAC can object.  All  5 RALOs must review each of the five gTLD applications/objections and advice ALAC whether it supports or rejects the Review group’s recommendations – BY 5 MARCH. See for all of the information and please get back to me with your thoughts.

ICANN FY2014  Budget– Olivier Crepin LeBlond

The ICANN finance committee will soon call for submissions on projects.  For the coming year, ALAC is most likely to be seeking funding for one main event – an At-Large Summit in London in June 2014, which means it would be ‘unwise’ for ALAC or the RALOs to seek other funding.

Policy Update – Olivier Crepin LeBlond

Olivier reviewed the statements/comments etc being considered (or not) be the ALAC.  See

The one issue where there are real differences within ALAC is on the issue of closed gTLDs.  The text on the policy page now includes text which sets out both viewpoints, plus comments from others.  ALAC is now asking RALOs for their views on this issue – so please at least read about this issue and either comment directly on the page or let me know what your views are.

Beijing Organising Committee Meeting Report

The Committee held its fourth meeting on 26 February.  Outcomes from the meeting, in summary, are:

  • Showcase: Will be an APRALO event on Monday 7 April 1700 - 1900.  All ALSs in APRALO have been invited and asked to respond on their participation in the event.
  • Promotion: Items to be available including pop up banner (with Dot.Asia logo) business cards, pins, pens, fans – using APRALO color red
  • Capacity Building: In fact occurring as part of newcomers track, fellows meetings and session in General Assembly.  Maureen finalising arrangements with Janice
  • General Assembly: To include session on APRALO/ALAC session on processes and procedures by CLO

January 2013 Report

 New ALS'es application

1)Armenian Association for the Disabled (pending ALAC vote)

2) ISOC Philippines (approved)

Planning for the Showcase event in Beijing

1) Working with Chinese speaking ALS'es for presentations

2) Edmon and Maureen working on logistics for the showcase meeting

3) Pavan looking to schedule lunches and coffees with the ALS'es during the Beijing meeting.

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