APRALO Showcase WG Teleconference
Date: Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Time: 23:00 - 24:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
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Adobe Connect Link:http://icann.adobeconnect.com/apraloshowsing2011/
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Summary Minutes: Summary Minutes 25 May 2011
Action Items: Action Items 25 May 2011
Chat: Chat 25 May 2011
Recording: ENGLISH
1. Roll call – Staff (2 min)
2. Review of 11 May action items -- Pavan (5 min)
Venue choices and Catering provided by staff
Pavan to send a second round of emails to ALS for outreach
Pavan to check how much a 2gb USB would cost and get all ALS information on that
Budget to be drafted by Pavan for the showcase event
Send Professor Ang APRALO write up, and he can send it out to IDA (funding GALA dinner)
Pavan to outreach to Rajnesh to see if he could help speak at the event.
Charles to help outreach to Pindar Wong for speaking at the showcase event
Charles and Pavan to work with Peng Hwa to see what would be the best way forward to reach out to potential sponsors
For outreach, Peng Hwa suggested reaching out to Rajnesh about outreach for user organizations in Singapore
3. Decision of Showcase day and time -- Pavan (5 min)
Time/Date have been finalized: Monday, 20 June, 2:30--3:30 pm Singapore time
4. Report on possible rooms (from ICANN Meetings team) -- Seth (5 min)
5. Report on possible catering costs (from ICANN Meetings team) -- Gisella (5 min)
6. Update on the to-do list and progress -- Pavan and others (10 min)
See APRALO Showcase main workspace
See APRALO Showcase WG proposed to-do list
See APRALO Showcase proposed event program
7. Keynote Speaker discussion – Pavan (10 min)
Professor Ang to offer suggestions on keynote speakers in Singapore region.
Charles to discuss other possible choices and how to reach out.
8. Sponsorship letter -- Charles, Pavan (10 min)
With draft now finalized, now need to figure out whom to send to.
9. Outreach to Internet-user organizations in/near Singapore – Pavan (5 min)
Professor Ang to suggest which Internet-user organizations to reach out to.
Discussion of what local organizations to invite to the Showcase. Need volunteer.
10. Any other business – Pavan (5 min)
11. Next Meeting -- Pavan (5 mins)
Should meetings be every week or every other week? Time and day?