- Members: Alan Barrett, Ashley Heineman, Carlton Samuels, LarsJohan Liman, Rafik Dammak, Rick Wilhelm,
- Observers: n/a
- Apologies: Brett Carr, Peter Koch
- ICANN org: Brenda Brewer, Elizabeth Garber (Technical Writer), Jennifer Bryce, Marilia Hirano, Reda Josifi, Steve Conte
- Welcome, Roll Call, SOI updates
- Action Items (all action items tracked in the Google sheet linked here [])
Reference | Date | Action item | Status |
02-05 | 5 Dec 2023 | ICANN team to start working with Co-Chairs on getting the briefings lined up. They will start with a briefing at the next meeting. |
02-08 | 5 Dec 2023 | For the ICANN team to go back and see if there was a blog published to announce the first IFR and if so, republish a similar blog for IFR2. | IFR2 blog will be published in advance of ICANN 79. |
3. Contract Walkthrough– Sam Eisner, ICANN Legal
4. Next Meeting
- Meeting 7 – ICANN79 (Wednesday 6 March @ 13:15 – 14:30 AST (UTC-4)) – in advance of this briefing, team should think about any specific questions to ask the CSC.
5. AOB, close
- Zoom Replay with chat
- Zoom audio only
- Naming_Function_Contract.pdf
- CWG Stewardship Carry Over Clauses.pdf
- CWG Stewardship - Contract Term proposals.pdf