- Category: gTLD
- Topic: New gTLD Process
- Board meeting date: 30 June 2006
- Resolution number: 06.49, 06.50
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-30jun06.htm
- Status: Completed
The Board calls for the GNSO Council to complete its PDP on new gTLDs in a timely fashion, specifically, requesting that the GNSO Council publish its report for public comment by November 2006, and calls for the Community to comment on the reports published by the New TLDs Committee in a timely fashion.
Susan Crawford introduced a resolution, seconded by Veni Markowski
Whereas, the GNSO began a Policy Development Process on new gTLDs in December 2005 ( PDP-Dec05 ).
Whereas, on 31 March 2006 the Board adopted resolutions 06.22-.24 giving notice of its intent to advance the implementation of a new gTLD process on or before January 2007, and calling on the GNSO to complete PDP-Dec05 with sufficient time to allow for such implementation.
Whereas, since the initiation of PDP-Dec05, the GNSO has obtained formal constituency statements, issued a call for expert papers, and opened a public comment period, and the GNSO Council's New TLDs Committee has conducted several face-to-face consultations to discuss each term of reference within PDP-Dec05.
Whereas, in preparation for this Marrakech meeting, a Draft Initial Report has been posted which reflects strong support for the introduction of new TLDs and strong support for the adoption of objective procedural, technical, and financial criteria, but asks for additional community input as to additional selection criteria, selection methods, and compliance regimes.
Whereas, it is the Board's understanding that the New TLDs Committee of the GNSO intends to publish its Initial Report for public comment in July 2006, to publish its Final Report in October 2006, to hold a Council vote on the Final Report in October 2006, and then to publish a Board Report in November 2006 for action by the Board at the Sao Paolo meeting in December 2006.
Whereas, the Board particularly notes that the GNSO seeks to have an open dialogue with the GAC regarding the public policy implications of a new gTLD process, and welcomes comments at any stage in this process, in particular following the publication of the Board Report in November 2006.
Whereas, the Board wishes to thank the participants in the GNSO Council and the New TLDs Committee of the GNSO for their hard work in this key policy area.
Following discussion, a vote was taken on both the resolutions, which the Board unanimously adopted by a 11-0 vote.
Resolved (06.49), the Board asks the GNSO to continue to work towards having a report ready for community comment by November 2006 .
Resolved (06.50), the Board calls on the ICANN community to convey its comments as to the various reports generated by the New TLDs Committee in a timely fashion.
Implementation Actions
- Publication of New gTLD Report
- Responsible entity: GNSO Council
- Due date: November 2006
- Completion date:28 July 2006, with the publication of the Initial Report http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/newgtlds-issues-report-01-28jul06.htm
- Public Comment Forum on New gTLD Report
- Responsible entity: ICANN Policy Department
- Due date: In a timely manner
- Completion date: 28 July 2006, with the opening of the public comment forum, that closed on 18 August 2006
Other Related Resolutions
- Please refer to the Board resolution on 26 June 2008 approving the New gTLD Program:
Additional Information
- For more information on the New gTLD Program, please refer to: ?http://www.icann.org/en/topics/new-gtld-program.htm