- Category: gTLD
- Topic: .TRAVEL Sponsorship Resolution
- Board meeting date: 18 October 2004
- Resolution number: 04.86, 04.87
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-18oct04.htm
- Status: Completed
Board authorizes the President and General Counsel to enter negotiations relating to proposed commercial and technical terms for .TRAVEL sTLD with applicant; if negotiations successful, President shall present proposed terms to Board for approval and authorization.
Resolved (04.86) the board authorizes the President and General Counsel to enter into negotiations relating to proposed commercial and technical terms for the .TRAVEL sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) with the applicant.
Resolved (04.87) if after entering into negotiations with the .TRAVEL sTLD applicant the President and General Counsel are able to negotiate a set of proposed commercial and technical terms for a contractual arangement, The President shall present such proposed terms to this board, for approval and authorization to enter into an agreement relating to the delegation of the .TRAVEL sTLD.
Implementation Actions
- Enter negotiations relating to proposed commercial and technical terms for .TRAVEL sTLD with applicant
- Responsible entity: President and General Counsel
- Due date: None provided
- Completion date: April 2005
- If negotiations successful, present proposed terms to Board for approval and authorization
- Responsible entity: President
- Due date: None provided
- Completion date: April 2005
Other Related Resolutions
- Resolutions 05.23 and 05.24 - Approval of .TRAVEL sTLD approved subject to amendment of Appendix 6 of proposed sponsored TLD registry agreement; President authorized to implement agreement: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-08apr05.htm
- Resolution 06.85 - Tralliance Corporation search.travel wildcard proposal not approved by Board due to risk of adverse effect on security and stability of proposal: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-22nov06.htm
- Other resolutions TBD
Additional Information
- .TRAVEL Sponsored TLD Registry Agreement and Amendment: http://www.icann.org/en/tlds/agreements/travel/
- 24 March 2005: ICANN Completes Negotiations with Applicants for .JOBS and .TRAVEL
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.