- Category: gTLD
- Topic: Adoption of Inter-Registrar Transfer Recommendations
- Board meeting date: 25 April 2003
- Resolution number: 03.66, 03.67
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-25apr03.htm
- Status: Completed
Adopts GNSO policy recommendations on Inter-Registrar Transfers and directs staff to implement recommendations with community consultation.
Whereas, at its meeting on 20 February 2003, the GNSO Council voted unanimously to accept the Final Report and Recommendations of the GNSO Council's Transfers Task Force and to forward it to the ICANN Board as a consensus-policy recommendation;
Whereas, the report was posted on the ICANN web site on 4 March 2003, with a call for public comment;
Whereas, various public comments were received and considered by the Board;
Whereas, the report was discussed at the ICANN Public Forum session held on Wednesday, 26 March 2003, with public comment received;
Whereas, the Governmental Advisory Committee was notified of the Board's consideration of the GNSO Council's recommendations;
Whereas, the Governmental Advisory has stated that its "Advice to the ICANN Board is to support and implement the GNSO Task Force's recommendations, without amendment";
Resolved [03.66] that the Board adopts the recommendations set forth in the 29 numbered paragraphs within the Final Report and Recommendations of the GNSO Council's Transfers Task Force the under the heading "Consensus Policy Recommendations"; and
Further resolved [03.67] that the President and General Counsel are authorized to take steps to implement those policy recommendations by consulting as appropriate with registry operators, registrars, and other knowledgeable parties and through amendments and notices, as appropriate, pursuant to ICANN?s agreements with gTLD registry operators and registrars.
(The Board approved the above resolutions by a 14-0-0 vote.)
Implementation Actions
- Announcement of Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy implementation
- Responsible entity: Staff, Transfer Assistance Group
- Due date:
- Completion date: 12 Jul 04
Other Related Resolutions
Additional Information
- Task Force Final Report on Gaining and Losing Registrars: http://www.icann.org/en/gnso/transfers-tf/report-12feb03.htm
- First Update on Transfer Policy Implementation Process: http://www.icann.org/en/transfers/policy-05nov03.htm
- Second Update on Transfer Policy Implementation Process: http://www.icann.org/en/transfers/policy-31mar04.htm
- Advisory announcing Transfer Policy implementation: http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/advisory-12jul04.htm