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  • Category: (replace this text with one of the following categories: Administration/Budget, ccTLD, gTLD, IP, ICANN Structure, International Agreement)
  • Topic: (replace this text with a keywords from title)
  • Board meeting date: 8 December 2006
  • Resolution number: 06.__
  • URL for Board minutes/resolution:
  • Status: (replace this text with: Completed, Ongoing, Suspended)

(replace this text with the a one-sentence summary of the resolution)


Whereas, ICANN's July 2007 through June 2010 Strategic Plan is based on consultation with the community through workshops held in multiple languages at ICANN meetings, through Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees and through public forums on the ICANN website.

Whereas, the 2007-2010 Strategic Plan gives a brief description of challenges and opportunities that ICANN is likely to face in the next years and outlines five strategic objectives for the ICANN community.

Whereas, the strategic objectives in the plan will form the framework around which the July 2007 through June 2008 Operational Plan and the associated budget are constructed.

Whereas, members of the community have been very generous with their time and the Board appreciates the work that they have done.

Resolved (06.___), the Board approves the 2007-2010 Strategic Plan, and directs the President and staff to move forward with the community-based operational planning process based on the strategic objectives as set forth in the plan.

Implementation Actions

  • (replace this text with specific Action Item)
    • Responsible entity: (replace this text with the responsible entity: ICANN department, ICANN Community Structure, Board, U.S. Department of Commerce)
    • Due date: (replace this text with Due Date)
    • Completion date: (replace this text with Date action was implemented, if different from due date)
  • (replace this text with specific Action Item)
    • Responsible entity: (replace this text with the responsible entity: ICANN department, ICANN Community Structure, Board, U.S. Department of Commerce)
    • Due date: (replace this text with Due Date)
    • Completion date: (replace this text with Date action was implemented, if different from due date)

Other Related Resolutions

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Additional Information

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