URS Individual Proposal #27 Revise URS Rule 6 to reflect the following new provision: 6(a) Each Provider shall maintain and publish a publicly available list of Examiners and their qualifications by way of publishing a current curriculum vitae updated on a regular basis. |
Rationale provided by the Proponent: As per the Super Consolidated URS Topics Table at Section M(1)[1], it was found that some providers do not seem to publish all of their Examiner’s CV’s. URS Rule 6(a)[2] merely requires the provider to list the panelist’s qualifications. This should be clarified to expressly require a CV. Moreover, it is important that this CV be reasonably current, as some panelists have been around for 20 years and their CV may not have been updated since. Knowing a panelist’s background of course informs parties and stakeholders as to their suitableness for appointment.
Working Group Deliberation: There was wide support in the Working Group to publish the proposal in the Initial Report to seek public comment. The Working Group discovered that a certain URS Provider did not list or maintain the backgrounds of all of their Examiners as required by URS Rule 6(a). The Working Group also noted that this URS individual proposal may complete the Working Group’s URS Recommendation #4.
[1] See pages 42-45 here: https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1YR7f60lkbaTyWJLaWvMVultyvxuyjlp2uDE27B-SN30/edit?usp=sharing
[2] URS Rule 6(a): Each Provider shall maintain and publish a publicly available list of Examiners and their qualifications.