Wednesday July 17, 2013 / 9:00 am – 11:00 am
- Welcome (Tim Switzer)
- Introduction of New Officers (ExCom)
- Approval of 26 June 2013 Minutes (Tim Switzer)
- NTAG Membership Update (Josh Zetlin)
- Treasurer’s Report (Liz Sweezey)
- Registry Agreement and RAA (Jordyn Buchanan)
- COI Changes from ICANN (Maxim Alzoba)
- Brand Registry Group (BRG) update on RA discussions (Liz Sweezey)
- TMCH (Jeff Neuman)
- GAC Advice (Sarah Falvey)
- Safeguard Advice
- NTAG Letter
- NGPC timeline / next steps
- PICDRP (Statton Hammock)
- PDT (Jeff Eckhaus)
- Community Priority Evaluation – CPE (Craig Schwartz)
- RRA Working Group Update on Final Document (Statton Hammock)
- Discussion on Excess Funds from Application Fees (Tim Switzer)
- Domain Name Industry Trade Association Update (Statton Hammock)
- NTAG to RySG Transition (Sarah Falvey)
- Any Other Business (All)