Draft Agenda
Item 1: Administrative Items 08:00- 08:15)
1.1 Roll call of Council members
1. 2 Update any statements of interest
1. 3 Review/amend agenda
- Add Theresa Swinehart on Strategic Agenda 6a to agenda
- Add AOB
Item 2: Vote on revised Council Operating Procedure (8:15-8:45)
GNSO Council operating procedures
- Presentation by Chair of OSC or Council Operations WT Chair
- Q/A and discussion
- vote
Item 3. Election of new Council Chair (8:45 - 9:30)
- Vote on motions (if any) on holding the election by means of a secret ballot.
- Public Statement by candidates
- Q/A
- First round vote
- Second round vote if first vote is complete (i.e. no need for absentee ballot on first vote) and 60% of both houses is not reached for any candidate/none of the above option.
----If a new chair is elected, the provisional chair will step down and the newly elected chair will chair the rest of the meeting.
----4. IANA Business Excellence initiative - Leo Vegoda (9:30 - 9:45)
5. Whois Studies (9:45 - 10:30)
Reference documents:
- RFP announcement for WHOIS misuse studies: http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-28sep09-en.htm
- The GNSO Council Motion in Mexico City, March 2009 04 mar 2009 motions
- Motion on WHOIS Service Tools 07 may motions
- ICANN Board Resolution regarding display and usage of internationalized registration data, approved in Sydney, 26 June 2009 http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-26jun09.htm#6
- Internationalized Data Registration Working Group charter http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/internationalized-data-registration-wg-draft-charter-27sep09.pdf
- Presentation
- Open Discussion
- Next steps/vote if appropriate
(1030 - 1045 Break)
6. Board letter to the GNSO Council regarding IRT proposals (10:45 - 11:20)
Letter from Rod Beckstrom & Peter Dengate Thrush to GNSO Council
- Presentation and Background
- Open Discussion
- Vote on motion
6a. Strategic Plan - Theresa Swinehart (Between 11:20 - 11:35)
6b. AOB (11:35)
- Extension for Vertical Integration Issue Report from 9 Nov 2009 to 23 Nov 2009
7. Open Microphone (11:45 - 12:15)
8. Thank Yous (12:15 - 12:30)