NPOC Buenos Aires Meeting 2015-06-23
Constituency Day Agenda
1. Roll call and participant introductions 9:30
2. Reporting by leadership 9:35 – 10:00
- Report from NPOC's chair
- Report from Policy chair
- Report from Membership Committee chair
- Report from Program Committee chair
3. Issues related to NGO’s operations 10:00 - 10:45
- IANA transition and it's impact on NGO’s
- second round gTLD ?
- actual PDP’s having influence on NGO’s DNS values
10:45 - 11:00 break
4. Presentation Sandra Hofenrichter 11:00 - 11:15
- Presentation on 2015 Leadership Training Programme ICANN academy
5. NGO’s in ICANN’s multi-stakeholder model 11:15 - 12:00
- first impressions on NGO’s using DNS (EU survey report)
- what’s the benefit for NGO’s being involved in ICANN’s multi-stakeholder model
6. Webinar 12:00 – 13:00
NPOC Constituency day encounter with NGOs
Engage with, participate in and contribute to the IG multi stakeholder decision making process. The NGO Caucus held some days before was designed to produce win-win policies and practice outcomes. This follow up meeting is designed to develop and implement strategies how to contribute the NGO caucus outcomes to the wider ICANN policy and decision making process. A further aim is also to engage participants with their respective constituencies and stakeholder groups.