Agenda 24 June 2009
Agenda 24 June 2009
Proposed GNSO Council Public Meeting Agenda, Sydney, 24 June 2009
This agenda was established according to the Rules of Procedure for the GNSO Council
Coordinated Universal Time 22:00 UTC 23 June - see below for local times
Local time Sydney 08:00
(07:00 Los Angeles, 10:00 Washington DC, 15:00 London, 16:00 Brussels, 00:00 Melbourne next day)
Avri Doria will be chairing the GNSO Council meeting
Scheduled time for meeting 08:00 -12:30
Remote participation details sent individually to Council members .
Item 0: Roll call of Council members (08:00- 08:30)
Item 1: Update any statements of interest
Item 2: Review/amend agenda
Item 3: Post Expiration Domain Name Recovery - PDP WG Charter 08:30 - 09:00
- 3.1 Explanation of Charter and Motions http://gnso.icann.org/issues/post-expiration-recovery/pednr-wg-charter-24jun09.htm
- 3.2 Survey Council Positions
- 3.3 Open discussion
- 3.4 Vote on motion
Item 4: Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part B 09:00 - 09:30
- 4.1 Staff update on issues report http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/irtp-part-b-issues-report-28may09.pdf http://gnso.icann.org/issues/transfers/irtp-report-b-15may09.pdf
- 4.2 Presentation of Motion
- 4.3 Council Positions
- 4.4 Open discussion
- 4.5 ote on motion
Item 5: Internationalized Domain Names Group (IDNG) Charter 09:30 - 10:00
- 5.1 Staff update re. the timing of the IDN ccTLD Fast Track compared to the New gTLD process
- 5.2 IDN Update - Edmon Chung http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/idng-wg-charter-draft-23jun09.pdf
- 5.3 Consideration of motion
- 5.4 Open Discussion
Item 6: By-Law Changes 10:00 - 10:30
- 6.1 Update on status and options Updated bylaws http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/draft-gnso-bylaws-article-x-22jun09.pdf
- 6.2 Council Positions
- 6.3 Open discussion
- 6.4 Vote on motion (if ready)
BREAK 10:30 - 11:00
Item 7: GNSO Improvements and Restructuring 11:00 - 11:30
- 7.1 PPSC and OSC Activities including WT status
- 7.1.1 Status Updates
- 7.1.2 Q/A and Discussion
- 7.2 Update on constituency re-certification
- 7.2.1 Status Updates
- 7.2.2 Q/A and Discussion
- 7.3 Update on Stakeholder Group charters
- 7.3.1 Status Updates
- 7.3.2 Q/A and Discussion
- 7.4 Guideline for Council Roles/Responsibilities
- 7.4.1 To what extent is constituency review required
- 7.4.2 Discussion