CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2015.01.29 - Adobe Chat
Bill Drake:Hello
Renate De Wulf:hello Bill
Bill Drake:Why are we talking about Davos?
Bill Drake:guess I need to look at the agendas in advance of meetings
Avri Doria:Sally is good.
Bill Drake:I raised my hand and it went down...?
Avri Doria:she is one who actually knows stuff instead of being focised on just the so called big picture.
Marilia Maciel:I believe they are there to kickstart?
Avri Doria:what is importnat is that we get a idea of what is going on to NMI. so some of us it looks like it is still ICANN's main external focus.. others say it is not really aan ICANN thing. those of us not caught in its fever have no idea what it is, a duck, an apple or a rock.
Bill Drake:I would not want anyone to look at the program and think it's going to be a panel like previous ones
Bill Drake:@Avri NMI is a duck
Marilia Maciel:Bill is right on the program. We need to make it clear, in inspite of having the names to start
Avri Doria:thanks Bill, that was my first guess.
Bill Drake:why a duck, whya no chicken?
Bill Drake:(Marx Brothers reference)
Avri Doria:it walks like ICANN main focus, it looks like ICANN's main focus and it quacks like ICANN's main focus.
Marilia Maciel:As I also mentioned, I am not sure ambassador Benedicto will be there, Jandyr was on the list until yesterday, but Benedicto was not. Nigel can confirm for us today.
nigel hickson:We invited people as "discussants" not "panelsits" as agreed
Marilia Maciel:great
Bill Drake:let's list as such then
Marilia Maciel:Could we at least invite the ICANN staff involved in NMI to make sure they are there? Nora and potentially Fadi?
Bill Drake:Sure of course they should come
Bill Drake:oh sorry forgot, Nora is not coming
Marilia Maciel:Not coming to this session?
nigel hickson:@fBill - yes Nora not in Singapore
Stephanie Perrin:Have to run folks, bye
Avri Doria:And those of us just watching need to be ask questions so we can figure out what NMI really is
Lynn St.Amour:I have my hand up as well as Marilia..
Lynn St.Amour:not sure if anyone can see it
Avri Doria:does this IG group pay attention to things like the ITU CWG on IPP?
Bill Drake:it should but I don't think we've focused on that
Marilia Maciel:Yes, Avri. It is discussed in the CCWG f2f meeting
Marilia Maciel:Should be at least
Bill Drake:Lynn you are being entirely too rational
Lynn St.Amour:not for you surely :-)
Avri Doria:Since the SIN meeting is right after the first ITU Council mtg of the year, might be good to get some discussion on that going.
Bill Drake:the last time we talked about this I asked for example of what the concern was and got "the Strategy Panels" as a reply
Bill Drake:let's not revisit 2013
Bill Drake:BTW on staff, Tarek will be there
Bill Drake:and I assume Nigel, Anne Rachel, Sally
nigel hickson:@Bill - Tarek there for Monday but not Thursday; Sally can be
Bill Drake:thanks Nigel
Bill Drake:Rafik under water
Lynn St.Amour:@Bill, your voice and point were very clear
Bill Drake:I am a very loud person, comes from years of lecturing in classrooms
Bill Drake:at least that's my excuse...
Lynn St.Amour:Can we ask them specifically what the would like to see as outcomes?
Bill Drake:Maybe we should tweak the time division between the two topics?
Lynn St.Amour:or specific behavior or process changes?
Bill Drake:yes let's ask that
Bill Drake:let's not be a snake eating its tail
Avri Doria:i think this topic is problematic and not the best use of anyone's time in a full session.
Avri Doria:a show? we are putting on a show?
Bill Drake:sort of
Bill Drake:you want we should bore the hell out of 100+ people?
Bill Drake:when we talked about this, my suggestion was that this topic should be for the CCWG's internal meeting, not the public session
Bill Drake:originally we talked about doing WSIS+10
Bill Drake:we could also get an update on ITU work
nigel hickson:@Bill - in your hands re WSIS /ITU - lot going on including SDGs
Avri Doria:some people love belly button inspection sessions.
Avri Doria:
Lynn St.Amour:@Bill - agree
Bill Drake:I nominate Becky to be a speaker on the community/staff (since she's not on Adobe :-)
Avri Doria:but we should not devote the bulk of time in the meeting to this. isn't it more of a f2f discussion topic first?
Bill Drake:Ok Marilia I'm persuaded, but then we really do need the people who wanted it to shape it
Lynn St.Amour:Well said Marilia
Lynn St.Amour:we just need more preparation..
Bill Drake:although to be honest it's not like there was some big groundswell of interest when this was suggested
Marilia Maciel:ok, clear. Thanks, Rafik
Avri Doria:then again, since i will be attending the Accountabity meeting in the same slot, i guess i don't really have alot of stake in this mtg.
Bill Drake:So wait...we are doing community/staff in BOTH the CCWG F2F and the public session?
Bill Drake:If so I guess we can use Monday to prepare Thursday
Avri Doria:did anything happen witht hWEF side on the NMI equation?
Marilia Maciel:What about corridor talks? Any issue related to IG stood out?
rafik:real estate? like domain names somehow :)
nigel hickson:happy to say a few words
Bill Drake:>WEF side on the NMI equation. Means what, Avri?
Bill Drake:Personally I'd like to hear about the bilaterals...
Bill Drake:I would like the NMI Coordination Council to at least know how NMI is being represented
Avri Doria:in the past the NMI has been described as having two thread, the NMI thing itself and the WEF processes. SO i figured something had happened at Davos on their thread.
Lynn St.Amour:@ Bill, surely you meant you would like the ICANN community and not only the NMI Coordination Council :-)
Avri Doria:transparency on the bilaterals would be a good thing.
Bill Drake:well sure Lynn, but in the first instance the CC needs to know, we're working on terms of reference
Marilia Maciel:Yes, Avri. Appparently nothing?
Lynn St.Amour:@Bill again why just the CC -- don;t they want to involve/hear from the community?
Bill Drake:Not just!
Bill Drake:not saying that....
Lynn St.Amour:it was the "in the first instance" that caught my attention..
Bill Drake:the CC is working on a questionnaire to "the community" seeking input on what NMI should be about/do. It's hard for us to even frame questions if we don't know whether something is happening of relevance off stance
Bill Drake:off stage
Lynn St.Amour:off stance is possible as well :-)
Avri Doria:how big a crew did we sent to Davos for NMI &c.
Bill Drake:crew?
Bill Drake:we?
Bill Drake:Fadi and Nora were there.
Lynn St.Amour:@Rafik, thank you!
Bill Drake:mercy bowcups Rafik
Marilia Maciel:Bye all!