CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2015.04.23 - Adobe chat
judith hellerstein:HI All
judith hellerstein:HI Olivier
Bill Drake:is someone in a nursery?
nigel hickson:Sounds like a school....
judith hellerstein:yes. it does
judith hellerstein:must be Olivier as the school is muted when he mutes himself
nigel hickson:I can hear you!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I have a baby in the room. Sorry for the bacjhground noise :-)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:My little goddaughter
Alex Dans::)
Renate De Wulf:Olivier, Nigel has been dialed into the call and is available
Lynn St.Amour:Bill - item 2 says serve as a neutral clearlinghouse .. why not just be an open platform?
Lynn St.Amour:I will call in.
Lynn St.Amour:I may have voice now :-)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
Bill Drake:feel free to read my chapter on institutionalizing the clearing house function in
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Bill: thanks!
Lynn St.Amour:Yes, thanks Bill (and I just downloaded the Kindle doc :-)
judith hellerstein:welcome mary
judith hellerstein:Good questions Olivier
Bill Drake:@Lynn price is Bon Marché, no? :-)
judith hellerstein:Yes that would be great
Lynn St.Amour:@Bill - too early to tell - have not read it yet -- but it seems very reasonable :-)
Bill Drake:sorry Lynn, you mean the government capacity development thing or the prior conversation?
Lynn St.Amour:prior conversation -- aka Kindle article
Bill Drake:okydoky
Lynn St.Amour:I believe the Dutch effort is also stepping into a crowded space - and not sure what value is (yet)
judith hellerstein:Can you notify us when a website is set up or ability to send in comments
Bill Drake:It's ok if they step "into" but I hope they do not step "onto"
Lynn St.Amour::-)
Bill Drake:OII? doesn't really do IG too much
Bill Drake:undoubtedly well intentioned but I just wonder if governments with deep pockets might not suck the energy out of the space
nigel hickson:Everyone loves IG....
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Oxford Internet Institute does IG
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:all aspects of IG
judith hellerstein:Can we discuss the schedule for the open public meeting and the working group
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Bill: as long as this initiative is not used to undermine other initiatives and already existing programs
Bill Drake:"ICANN Contribution to implementation of WSIS Action Lines; including the introduction of International Domain Names (ICANN).”
nigel hickson:@Bill - yes
Greg Shatan:All: Since it looks like we may not have time for AOB, I wanted to introduce you to Vicky Sheckler from the IPC. I have been stretched too thin to give this CCWG the attention and active support it deserves. So, Vicky will be stepping up to be the official IPC member, and I will be stepping back (but not entirely out) to a less active status (Observer?). It's been a pleasure. (And will continue to be, just in a more modest way.)
Lynn St.Amour:Welcome Vicky !
Bill Drake:Hi Vicky welcome
Bill Drake:it needn't be a really deep dive into details
judith hellerstein:Olivier-If you do not have the WSIS document I can send it to you
judith hellerstein:Welcome Vicky
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I have it somewhere
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:just can't fint it at the moment and we should have had it linked to the agenda
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Apologies
judith hellerstein:I know Marilyn Cade had some questions but was not able to make the call
Alex Dans:Sorry I have to leave now, thank you all!
Bill Drake:I think this needn't be overly complicated. 1) set up on MS process => 2) IANA effort => accountability effort => open Q&A
Mary Uduma:Welcome Vicky
Bill Drake:maybe also a bit on efforts to globalize ICANN
Bill Drake:still a lot of poeple here prone to see it as fundamentally a US body
Lynn St.Amour:Thank you Olivier
nigel hickson:@Bill - agree!
nigel hickson:thanks
Bill Drake:thanks OCL
judith hellerstein:yes Nigel please send it to the list for the WSIS Forum, I will not be there but can contribute
Mary Uduma:Bye
judith hellerstein:bye all
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:bye all
judith hellerstein:Is there a skype chat for this WG?