Action Items:
The Objectives of the the Governance WG to be redefined - in 1 week LACRALO shall decide on the future of this WG.
Unlicensed user will send a reminder to the mailists provide comments on the WIKI.
Strategic Planning Working Group
The Final report will be open for comment for 1 MORE WEEK to receive comments from LACRALO.
Unlicensed user will send a reminder to the mailists to provide comments on the WIKI.
Leveling Course ALSs - Diego Acosta Bastida Nivelación - WG- Diego will send a SURVEY tomorrow to the list.
5. Capacity Building Program. News. Fátima and Natalia (5 min)
1.2 Capacity Building Program Garth Bruen - NARALO Chair (getting to know the other RALOs) (30 min)
Action Item:
Buenos Aires Events
Silvia Vivanco: Como Action Item: Se formara un Comite de Trabajo para Eventos de LACRALO en Buenos Aires
Silvia Vivanco: empezaremos con teleconferencias para recopilar ideas y organizarnos.
Carlos Aguirre