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Date: Monday, 22 January 2024

Time: 23:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here

 How can I participate in this meeting? 

¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia?

(Please note - change in connection details: for all languages, dial into the Adigo line, press 1638 and the Adigo operator will ask you which language channel you prefer and transfer you to the appropriate language channel).

English Conference ID = 1638

Spanish Conference ID = 1638

Portuguese Conference ID = 1638

French Conference ID = 1638


Action Items:  EN/ES          

Recording: EN, ESPT, FR

Zoom Chat: EN/ES

Transcription: ENESPT, FR

Zoom Recording: ES


ES: Harold Arcos, Gerardo Martinez, Lilian Ivette De Luque, Lucia Leon, Vanda Scartezini, Hannah Frank, Laura Margolis, Marcelo Rodriguez Carlos Aguirre, Jorge Gonzalez, Oscar Giudice, Sergio Salinas Porto, Antonio Medina Gomez, Christelle Vaval, Yoselin Vos, Sandra Rodriguez, Alfredo Lopez Sandra Rodriguez, ALejandro Pisanty, Gerry George, 

EN: Noveck Gowandan, Lance Hinds, Claire Craige, Lydelle St. Ville, Lance Hinds, Noveck Gowandan, Waldimir Davalos, Gilberto Lara, 

FR: Betty Fausta, 


Apologies: Alberto Soto, Adrian Carballo, 

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Shayna Robinson, Claudia Ruiz



ES: Marina & Claudia 

PT: Bettina & Esperanza 

FR: Jacques & Esperanza 

Call Management: Claudia Ruiz

AGENDA ES  *****DRAFT*****

 1 hora 30 minutos

  1. Asistencia - Staff (2 mins)

  2. Welcome - Harold Arcos - LACRALO Chair (3 mins)

  3. ICANN Org Grant Program - Shayna Robinson, Grant Program Director (25 mins)

    1. Presentación
  4. Actualizacion de Consultas Publicas - At-Large Policy Advice Development Page - Miembros de ALAC (20 mins)

  5. Reporte Directorio:  Harold Arcos, LACRALO Chair and Lance Hinds, LACRALO Chair-Elect (10 mins)

  6. LACRALO UA Day - At-Large Activities at the 2024 Universal Acceptance Day - Sylvia Herlein (5 mins)

  7. Actualizacion OFB WG - FY25 At-Large Funding Request Workspace- Claire Craig, Co-Chair of OFB-WG (10 mins)

  8. ICANN79 - March 2024: Community Forum - San Juan, Puerto Rico I 2-7 March 2024 - Heidi Ullrich, Staff (5 mins)

  9. AOB - Harold Arcos, LACRALO Chair (5 mins)


  1. Roll call - Staff (2 mins)

  2. Welcome - Harold Arcos, LACRALO Chair (3 mins)

  3. ICANN Org Grant Program - Shayna Robinson, Grant Program Director  (25 mins)

    1. Presentation
  4. Public consultation Update - At-Large Policy Advice Development Page - ALAC Members  (20 mins)

  5. LACRALO Board update :  Harold Arcos, LACRALO Chair and Lance Hands, LACRALO Chair Elect (10 mins)

  6. LACRALO UA day - At-Large Activities at the 2024 Universal Acceptance Day - Sylvia Herlein (5 mins) 

  7. OFB WG Update- FY25 At-Large Funding Request Workspace- Claire Craig, Co-Chair of the OFB-WG (10 mins) 

  8. ICANN79 - March 2024: Community Forum - San Juan, Puerto Rico I 2-7 March 2024 - Heidi Ullrich (5 mins)

  9. AOB - Harold Arcos, LACRALO Chair (5 mins)

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