Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Alright, a very quick review, if we can just have a role call for the ALAC Improvement Implementation Taskforce Meeting of, I think it's still the 9th of January in most of the world. That will be fantastic, Nathalie?
Nathalie Peregrine: Hello then. Welcome everyone to today's meeting. On the call today we have Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Beau Brendler, Yrjo Lansipuro, Darlene Thompson, Oliver Crepin-Leblond, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, and Seth Greene. We have apologies from Tijani Ben Jemaa, 00:40, and Natalie Enciso. And from staff we have Heidi Ullrich, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, and myself Nathalie Peregrine. I would like to remind you all to please state your names before speaking for transcription purposes. Thank you.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Did we mention Beau? I saw Beau appear in the connect room. Anyway he's certainly here on the call. Welcome everybody and before we get into what is now going to be a fairly short call for today I just want to bring forward PACES extraordinary business and that is to mention to you that as a result of the last meeting that we had where we were discussing methods on how we could facilitate.
These are the meetings on the 19th of December, how we could facilitate 01:47 policy development and that included the ability to have better communications and the specific action item where we talked about what was to be a African region experimentation on using the telecommunications breach, the telephone and audio breach through the Adobe Connect room. The room that you're in today does in fact if you have your speaker unmated you will actually be able to hear the audio coming out in a similar line as if you were at a face-to-face meeting.
But, we can ensure you that before next week you all should be able to use your computer to connect to the audio and directly using the Adobe Connect system as an alternative to the telephone breach. We hope that by experimenting with this, and it has been successful in other work groups in other parts of ICANN will be able to make the work of the [inaudible 02:52] in the regions far affective. To that end we'd like to run a test before next week's call and before you leave today's call if anyone who'd like to volunteer.
I assume Tijani you would be part of that volunteer group and perhaps [inaudible 03:13], Matt as well. I would like to get at least one person from each region to do a very short test call on the system. We would do it within days, we would set it up, but if you just make yourself known an [inaudible 03:27] to be a part of this test group to run the four facilities within the connect room before we go live for this work for next week. So, just mention this in the chat and we'll take a note.
Okay, getting now back to the matters of the review of summary minutes and the action items from the last meeting, the review of summary minutes. I think you will find that the notes have a note. If anyone has anything to speak, to raise on those summary minutes then make themselves known now. I'm seeing no one and hearing no one. We'll move immediately to the action items which are delightfully brief as soon as they load the text and contents of the technology workspace.
I know that the technology workspace is going to be having a first meeting in the near future and if you probably don't you'll review over the holidays that I gather you'll probably be sending out a doodle or a notice soon on when that subgroup will be meeting. Over to you Dev.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Hi this is Dev, thanks Cheryl. Yes, I have had some ideas for the technology workspace. I haven't had a chance to put a nice document together, but I will work with staff to see whatever we can probably try to do a call on Wednesday or Tuesday this week and hopefully that will come to part.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay, fantastic. Thank you. The next action item from the 19th of December was on Olivier, myself, and Heidi to set ground rules for the use of the Adobe Connect room for the RALOs, etcetera. We had an initial discussion on that and that is something that we're currently drafting. We will leave that as an open action item. It will be a work in progress and indeed Silvia is also going to be an integral part of that because she's the primary interface between of course the RALOs and the ALSs and I feel she's going to be integral to that as well.
So, we might just put SD into that as an additional, I'm certain, on that ongoing action item. Nathalie has been invited to join the Taskforce call, but more importantly the prep call and I suppose it's going to be very important to setting up the Adobe Connect room with the full telephonic capabilities.
Nathalie seems to seem like I would make the magic happen in some other workgroups I've been involved with and I look forward to have been able to just ask staff to make the magic happen to us as well and probably put through a bit of care in feeding instructions so that we can ensure that we get translations into a usable languages for exactly what we need to do and how you need to do it as well as be involved with the rules for the Adobe Connect that we are going to be setting up for the RALOs.
Moving on to the next item, which was the outreach on the use and training of the RALO and AP Wiki page. Again, that's something that Silvia is going to need to work on and that will be done in conjunction with the RALO leadership. Silvia, I've seen that the RALOs haven't really met in this month's cycle yet. So that's an open item action that is on your to-do list, is that the case?
Silvia Vivanco: Oh, hello. Yes, this is Silvia and this is the case.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thank you. The next one is request the selected At Large members be funded to attend non ICANN meetings in the FY-13 budget request. I seen that this is something that will be coming from the various regions as request in the new template that the Budget and Finance Subcommittee it just seems to be discussing for, I believe, the 10th. I think we got another 24 hours or so before those requests come in from the regions. If not, Olivier, am I to assume that ALAC itself will make such a request? It can be started at the ALAC improvements recommendation?
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Thank you Cheryl, it's Olivier. Yes. Sorry, I was trying to unmute myself while typing at the same time and typing yes, but typing to the wrong person. So anyway, yes is the answer.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It's better if you're a woman and trying multitasking. It's a lot easier for us. We don't have a broken X chromosome which of course all you males do. The next action item is for Heidi and Matt to prepare Outreach Wiki during the week of the 19th of December. I think this is still a work in progress, so Heidi would like to please --
Heidi Ulrich: Yes, it's still a work in progress and I'm formulating it in my mind so it should be taken care of this week.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I have no problem with things remaining. It's ongoing on action items when we have meetings with the frequencies as this taskforce does, so not a problem as long as we keep tracking of them. And the final item before we get down to the meeting and recent business that we're here for today is for the At Large staff to look into the possible developing and printing of a business card and I suspect that might be something that is also on the to do list.
Heidi Ulrich: Yes, I'm waiting to hear back from the relevant staff on the cost of that and I've asked for the cost for a color card, business card, two sided text and just a quote for 2,000. Is that [inaudible 09:35], correct?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: That sounds perfect to me. Okay, any discussions on any of those action items? I'm seeing no hands and hearing no voices. Let's now move on to our continuing discussion, where we are up to in the wonderful world of the Recommendation 4. So, let me snake back up just to remind everybody where we were. We were up to in fact looking at Recommendation 4 under 4.3. We finished the beginners guide.
We looked at the recommendation to the RALOs, that they formulize their outreach, in-reach, in whatever way each finds appropriate, e.g. 11:19 their rules of procedure and I believe that was something we were up to and did not begin to discuss at the last meeting. Is my memory correct on that? Darlene, you're probably the perfect person to answer that.
Darlene Thompson: I'm very sorry. I had to step out of the room for one second and just came back to “Darlene you're the perfect person to answer that.”
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Oh Darlene I do apologize my dear. Let me recap for you. I said, that to my memory, we did not begin the discussion on the following point which is still item 4 and 4.3, but it does has parts of 4.3.4 and 4.6. And that was the recommendation to the RALOs that they formulize their outreach or in-reach role in whatever way each finds appropriate which is a recommendation from me with you by including in the rules of procedure.
And I've talked to you because I know that the regional secretary has been doing all sorts of things in harmonizing their rules and procedure. To my memory we did not discuss this in our meeting on the 19th and I thought that this is what we were discussing today, so that's why I'm talking to you.
Darlene Thompson: Yes, you're absolutely correct. We haven't discussed that. The last thing that we discussed with our rules of procedure was as a treatment of inactive ALSs. We did discuss of course in Dakar the treatment of inactive ALAC members. But that part hasn't gone any further then that discussion in Dakar and further in-reach and outreach hasn't been further discussed. However NARALO is going to be asking for an in-reach event at the Toronto meeting and we're also asking for a multiregional outreach event to hit at least three of the regions so that we can present at various technological fairs. So, those are two proposals that you'll see coming out of NARALO and the one with the outreach event has the support of Wolf from the EURALO as well.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay. Because we won't be able to say in the Costa Rica meeting that all the incrementables will be incremented by the June ICANN meeting. Could it be an item action on, and soon as that thing, and see the main leadership role in the regional secretary just at the moment. Is it you or someone else?
Darlene Thompson: I don't really have one. Dev has been doing an awful lot, but then I hate to put it all on Dev too. So, I mean, I can start something on that unless Dev you wanted to.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: All I wanted to do is get it on their agenda and so we can say that in Costa Rica it will be on a formal discussion an outcomes agenda.
Darlene Thompson: So I can take a lead on that, that's fine, unless Dev wants to.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Fantastic, now we just got to get our ducks lined up in the right order and a bit of online discussion first would help there.
Darlene Thompson: You want me to help with that?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Oh yes, please. Yes very, thank you. Okay now do the rest of the group feel that means we can say it is substantially in progress and is planned for completion between Costa Rica and wherever else we're going in the middle of the year. The name has now escaped me. It probably will come back to me. We're all happy with that?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Mm-hm.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Excellent, in which case we can now move promptly to increase the next item which is looking at 4.5 and 4.6. Increase significantly the ALACs creation of enriched materials and the leadership engagement and development throughout At Large, including brochures, radio program, podcasts, seminars, and online video. And we obviously have the At Large RALO and 15:31 RALO brochures, but this is what I'm going to ask Heidi to speak to first I think. Is that why I understood was in a number of our previous face-to-face meetings, at ICANN meetings, more and more of what Scott's team is putting together seems to be meeting those needs.
I'm wondering if the group feels this is one we might be up to take out of the ALAC 15:56 and put into the wider ICANN 15:59 with ALAC being a key feature with their list of clientele. What's the feeling on that? First with you Heidi or Silvia or Matt or Nathalie? Olivier feel free to save the staff, you're either all on mute or paying no attention. Go ahead.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Thank you very much Cheryl. Actually, I wasn't going to save the staff at all. I was going to cue up for speaking after staff speaks. How's that? So, I will wait until Heidi has said what she has to say.
Matt Ashtiani: Hi everyone, this is Matt. I think there's probably a problem with Heidi's mic. I think she would have spoke by now.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I would think so. Go ahead then Matt.
Matt Ashtiani: So, I actually don't know. So, I'm going to have to refer to Heidi. I'm going to go work and see and make sure she's actually still on the call. Maybe she got disconnected.
Heidi Ulrich: Sorry, I had to step away for a moment.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Sorry about that Heidi I seem to have an uncanny to pick people on the mic a second they move away. Maybe you can check the move away button. Can I just point out to everybody that if you do a drop down menu where you raise your hand there's a little one which says step away or I'll just show you by putting mine up. And if I was to see that next to somebody I know that you weren't in the AC room and perhaps not often [inaudible 17:45] call at that time. And I wouldn't be quite so embarrassing as to cue people in when they're not having any knowledge of what I'm asking them to answer. Okay, Heidi just a quick update.
We were looking at the ALACs creation of enriched materials aimed at leadership, blah, blah, blah, including brochures, radio programs, podcasts, webinars, and online video. And I had mentioned that certainly from my memory and I suspect most of the team here a lot of this is being kicked out by Scott and his team and I was, before we ask the taskforce to deliberate, we're asking if you felt that it was something that we could perhaps come across as an ICANN issue with ALAC and At Large as one of their key stakeholder and clients for the production of these things or do we need to keep it still in-house with our own enablers and obvious resources as well and I had Oliver to do it.
Heidi Ulrich: Oh yes, thank you Cheryl. That's a very good point. I'm certainly happy to bring that question to Scott and to Little Lipinski [ph]. As you might know we are in very often and very frequent communication between the two departments and that's what brought about this beginners guide on At Large participation which is a simple request. So, I'll get back to you and the group on whether this can be done.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Marrakesh and I will do it before I go to … Olivier is this something that can be overtaken by the new way ICANN is looking at things and if we can get, as I believe Scott was fairly open too, the inclusion of radio programs which is so important as long as podcasts to emerging and developing economies. Then this mean we can sort of get it off of our books and onto somebody else’s which I'm keen to do. Over to you Olivier and then Oliver would you mind just managing the call for one moment while I need to step away. So, I'll be pushing my step away button for one moment.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Thank you very much Cheryl, yes I can indeed. Olivier for the transcript. I was just going to add onto what Heidi said and this is why I deferred to Heidi prior to taking the floor. The work that Scott has been doing in the area of podcasts has been really quite fantastic. One of the things which we have looked at and I think which we have in fact said we will do is putting together a monthly podcast of basically discussing At Large's big issues for the month.
Unfortunately I haven't had very much time on my hands and so both Scott and I haven't been able to do one for this month yet, but hopefully we will be coming together and doing this. But we have done podcasts in the past and one thing that I was hoping for is for not only the chair of ALAC but I guess you know members, ALS's regions, people in the region, to actually be involved in those podcasts.
So, this is a matter that is in progress. It's certainly something which I know that Scott wishes to also extend to other SOs and ACs and I wouldn't have any qualms about actually saying that punt this over to Scott and find out if we can actually make this a matter that will be in his department rather than a concern that we have to complete in order to finish our own review process. It certainly is a case of we have to take full advantage of whenever Scott's department is going to be giving out and is going to be developing.
And I hope that it's not only going to be me, it's going to be all of the ExCom and all of the ALAC and all of the region At Large organization leaderships and all of the ALSs that will take part in that engagement. Certainly brochures, well that's something that we've done, but radio programs, podcasts, and online videos are something which really bring the message out there. So, that goes in line also with having a YouTube channel let's say that could also have our podcasts and are online videos on there, a whole number of things that I think need to be pushed forward.
Dev says, you know, the human bandwidth required to do these things is always tough and this is why if we actually put some of the work into actual ICANN having to do the hard work of video editing and those things it will really help us because what we will just have to do is furnish the material to start with. So, anyone else has a comment on this?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I have Olivier, while I was away if I may, Cheryl here, does anybody mention about if we do manage to put this across to greater ownership of generally ICANN and us as a client for those resources. That's how we might logistically organize this and how request concept ideas should be done or did you not go and that pathway?
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: I'm sorry Cheryl did you ask me the question there?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well, I just didn't know where the conversation went while I stepped away. If you went there I wasn't going to go there. If you've been there that's fine, if not I think we need to go there.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: We didn't go into the details on how such podcasts or such webinars or the subject of such videos would be developed. No but I think we all know there's a pretty clear idea among all participants were any campaign of communication would help in making people understand what At Large with the ALAC, what RALOs, what the ALSs are, what they do is a message that we still have a lot of work to do and so we suggest this is where it's going to start.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay fine. Did you mention the here and then [inaudible 24:57]. A lot of times people have good ideas but not the ability to make the magic happen. We've seen from Scott the template, the prompters, the [inaudible 25:18] material that he presented with us. I seen two if not two ICANN meetings ago which is the system he would suggest. It's the one he uses that a group or an individual, a requester, puts themselves through when they're trying to design the pieces of outreach material, be it audiovisual, YouTube, podcast or whatever.
I wonder where we as a taskforce thought that could be formalized in is what we would expect a request in ALS or RALO to use and if they fill out that template a piece of paper we should at least, you know, get a sketch of who you are trying to teach what to clear then perhaps we could set up some form of communication request flow that individual, if new, they could follow.
My fear is that if we simply say ICANN will somehow make all this magic happen what will happen is in small sections time they'll get large numbers of competing request and not know how to prioritize them. I think we need some form of process here. Olivier over to you.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Thank you Cheryl, Olivier for the transcript. A quick question to you actually, how were the At Large and the RALO brochures put together because I think that their process must have been followed to write those and to put these together that could be replicated as a potential base for a process to produce podcasts, webinars, and online videos, couldn't it?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well, if you want to take the enormous amount of time with you getting those brochures together. So yeah.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Well I don't know, so you tell me or others may say, oh that's a horrible idea or that's a great idea. It looks like it's not but I just thought I'd throw it in. Thank you.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: But from a regional point of view a regional resource like that does need to be too [inaudible 27:44] between the region legs, the general ALS rank and file members, the direction and the various drafts that you have, an initial draft that gets put out and people make some comments. It comes out with [inaudible 27:59]. He needs here information about RALO here, you know, we'll do it in these languages. Hiding how many iterations did we go through for the first and then the following regional brochures? It was not a small task was it?
Heidi Ulrich: Absolutely not, but we're getting better and we're now also having more language versions of the RALO brochures which is also taking time.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay. Dev, go ahead.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Thank you Cheryl, Dev Anand Teelucksingh. I think Scott's suppose template, but I can't remember which ICANN meeting he presented that. I think what we have to do is just get that. That can be used as a template. I should say we can poll to say which topic do you want to see covered, be it a fact sheet or podcast or video, whatever prompt one.
We should just try for three topics per year I think rather then trying to do it on a monthly basis or whatever because that doesn't seem to make sense, you know. Because I think the request have to be made and then it will probably take about ICANN let's say three months. So, literally at the next ICANN meeting they'll be a new content available for At Large to disseminate.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: All right.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yeah.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: How does everybody else feel about that is a plan? Anybody think it's a good, bad, or indifferent idea? I'm all for on this thing. Sal you said unless you have various content themes, do you mean topic or material or methodology there? Sal is typing for the record. Go ahead Olivier why we wait to see what Sal is typing. Go ahead.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Thank you Cheryl, its Olivier. I actually have a question or a suggestion, you can take it is either one or the other. We keep on speaking about in-reach, outreach, but we don't appear to have an in-reach or an outreach working group or team or some form or set of people who are primarily interested in the in-reach and the outreach as such and so I'll give you just a little example. I recently saw the great work that was done by ICANN staff and putting together a first draft of the beginners guide to At Large and Heidi sent me the email with the file and said okay so would you want to pass this by.
And of course sending this over to all of the At Large advisory committee or to everyone on the announce list is really just creating a lot more traffic then what it should have at the moment. The first thing is you just get a small team of people to look at it and to review it and so I had to pick off the top of my head a handful of people I remembered that were interested in this sort of thing because I gather not everyone is interested in reading through pages and pages and pages of documents about outreach and in-reach when they're interested in other subjects then that.
And so it was just the case of having to make a quick choice by that and I wonder whether we should just have a list of people who are particularly interested in the subject, so as for them to pick up the ball on this.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay, thank you. Cheryl in response specifically to that, so I'm taken off my chair hat and putting on I think any color hat, it really doesn't matter. That really is the business of the regions of course. Obviously the ALACs in-reach and outreach material yes as well does need to be looked at from a higher helicopter point of view, but if the previous item wherein the RALOs formalize their own outreach and in-reach role by including in their own rules and procedures.
I will at some that in that the RALOs would have decided and discussed whether or not they will have a subcommittee or whatever or whether the executive team get to have the inglorious joy of doing it all or however it is to be done. So, that would be a ready source of what you’re suggesting then. I also think that we need to be a little bit careful about I guess having just the same people doing everything.
I think it will be important for new ALS to have a really good idea and learn off of really will established ALS, how they did it, and I guess needs to sort of be some local sharing and filtration. It doesn't all need to be coming from the top as well, there just thought. So now I will put my chair's hat back on and stop being a commenter and ask how do you think this taskforce should recommend this be implemented then? Go ahead all Olivier.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Thank you Cheryl, its Olivier. I must say actually in my defense I considered both the recommendations recommended to the RALOs that they formalize their outreach and in-reach role and also looked at the increased significance of the ALAC creation of in-reach materials. So, I see the two as being very much in parallel with each other, both with ALAC doing its work on one side and the RALOs during their work on the other.
And I totally recognize that, yes, having new members involved is important, but certainly having RALOs look for more input from new members in formalizing in-reach and outreach activities. It's the way that I would point.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: In other words people in the RALOs that will be particularly interested in in-reach and outreach should be able to contribute at the ALAC level as well.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Alright, so what I'm hearing and what I'm seeing in the chair including my own intervention is the possibility of an ALAC standing workgroup for this topic with RALO and with specific and I would [inaudible 35:43] mandated RALOs involvement. Is that basically what people are seeing acting out of this, a small but nevertheless standing committee? Obviously, you know, what it does will be open, but it would need to be regionally balanced and will accept ALAC representation as well as regional representation.
Darlene Thompson: Darlene Thompson here. Yes, I think that would be a great idea.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay, thank you Darlene. I would have thought the secretary would have found it essential, but there was a nexus or a liaison from each of the regions into this workgroup, whether it's the function of the secretary or some other person, that they decide. It's going to be really important that you got a good [inaudible 36:37] between what goes on in this day-to-day activity of the regions and in daily across the region and day-to-day activities. Okay, if that's the case and so if that is happening what is ICANN and its staff role and outreach? Perhaps I can ask Heidi to respond to that and then go to Olivier.
Heidi Ulrich: That's a very big question. It depends on what staff that you're referring to. Do you mean ICANN staff in general or do you mean At Large staff? It's just a huge question.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Beau is responding to that in terms of clarifying. At Large staff primarily is his response for the record.
Heidi Ulrich: Okay, Cheryl would you like me to answer that?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes, go ahead.
Heidi Ulrich: Okay, well the role is basically to work with the At Large communities, secretariats, and regional leads as well as ALAC on providing outreach materials, in-reach materials, etc., serving as an liaison or bringing relative and fast global partnerships from communication and also any other staff or that hopefully [inaudible 37:56], the team director for her participation and engagement. Including them in any discussions where they could add information. I'm not sure that answered your question.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I'm sure Beau will type back if he needs more clarification. On to you Olivier.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Thank you Cheryl, its Olivier here. I was just going to comment on something which Sal has mentioned on the chat and that is save cost by partnering with Global Partnerships who are already heavily involved in outreach. And I think one of the problems has been that we haven't had a single group within At Large that has been able to speak to Global Partnerships directly.
We've had individuals who were interested in liaising with Global Partnerships, but we haven't had an actual consensus system being able to really put pressure on Global Partnerships to deliver and to even say what do we want, how can we help, how can we work together, and so this is why I was suggesting the working group or the group of people to be put together for that.
And I think that will be one of the first task, liaising with Global Partnerships and finding out how can outreach and in-reach be increased in this specific framework. Thank you.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Perfect and that sounds to me like we might be at the point of making a recommendation, which means we can almost close this one off in terms of the implementation stage. Let me see how this sits with you all then, that this taskforce recommends to the ALAC that it creates a standing workgroup or subcommittee, which ever it prefers to call it. It's given a charter to pick up on these in-reach and outreach and communication modality issues.
That it has a role to liaise with appropriate parts of ICANN in terms of Global Partnership providing but of course the director of At Large, Heidi, is always in the loop there and that it also setup some processes for the management of requests that may indeed mean using Scott's [inaudible 40:48] memoir document and having, as I was considering, a quote rotation perhaps three times a year so something new was coming out of each of the ICANN meetings, calendar of events.
That would obviously need, probably, another floor chart, oh that will be great. What would you ever do without a floor chart? You know, when people put them in the suggestions when they're sifted and sorted. Is that the path of things that we might be looking at? I saw someone's hands go up and then disappeared again. Who was that? Have I missed anyone, someone wishing to speak that I haven't seen their hand? No, it appears not.
The RALOs being an integral part of that would be able to both share their experiences and we can ensure then that everyone is getting the very best ideas and working with Global Partnership of course means that they get to use the material that advertises our needs and issues when they work in the regions as well. The ccNSO, Sal raises the issue, just before I go to you Olivier just in chat. Sal in fact, the following RALOs can jump in on the bandwagon and work together.
I'm aware that the group has to work with relevance to A [inaudible 42:17] and ICANN. Then she says the ccNSO will also note that they'll be interested and most are involved in outreach in their own way already. Yeah, remembering of course Sal is at the ccNSO is of course very different beasts to other parts of ICANN. The ccTLD operators have a mandate and requirement to look after and interact and educate in many cases their own local Internet communities and there is probably a wealth of material that even some of their IOSs in the same areas may not be aware of.
So their names had to be a good forward nation, RALO there is well, and I think that possibly could be captured as part of the task of this proposed work group to go. All right, Olivier over to you and then I'm going to suggest that the task force decide if they want to make this as a proposal to ALAC and if that's case Olivier gets a negotiator.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Thank you Cheryl, its Olivier here. I was just going to ask questions which appeared in the chat. One being the At Large engagement working group and whether that was still active and since you are dealing with the closing down and the reviving of working groups on the website do you have any news on this?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: The At Large engagement working group is in fact not still active. If you're talking about the engagement of ALAC and At Large in ICANN working group, which is one of the summit one's, was closed down by resolution. And there's a prior one which in fact was an outreach and communication working group and that hasn't been populated and active since 2009, late '08, '09.
So, there is not an existing that has the appropriate because it's not our engagement in ICANN, it's a slightly different beast. I think you'll agree and I will strongly advise the taskforce to propose to the ALAC that it's a separately and yearly charted arrangement with specific mandates taken literally from the ALAC improvements requirement.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Okay Cheryl. Olivier again, I was just trying to check whether, and of course you know the history of the, but whether we had already invented the wheel and whether the wheel actually rolled and whether we had invented a square wheel that didn't roll. And so creating new working groups is all fine, but if we have the best intentions for them and that they don't actually do anything afterwards it would just be another one of these things where staff would have to work to put together also some things like mailing lists and wiki pages and then it doesn't continue after that. This is why I thought --
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: They should be highly motivated to work on this one because unless this one works no resources get produced.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Okay perfect, thank you Cheryl.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: And that's what makes it distinctly different from what the Mexico Summit work group was, which is the link putting the chair and that was specifically responding to, amongst other things, the presidents public participation, documentation, and a number of strategy documents that were being circulated at the time. So, it has a very, very different mandate. Okay, so just the possibly last act of this task force for today's meeting which will be just delightful to finish off with one that we can then say completed, to say to the ALAC, to recommend to the ALAC, to advise the ALAC that to implement both of the issues that we discussed today, this new workgroup we put together.
Does anyone disagree? In the absence of anyone disagree I think that's an action item out of this meeting. We will work together and make some suggested charter points. Olivier, you and I and staff should own that action item, I think, and Silvia you need to propagate it out in draft form to get feedback from the regions and perhaps ensure that the regional meetings this month are aware that this workgroup is, so a standing workgroup, is going to be charted in the not too distant future.
At which point we will draw a line on today's proceedings and I do like to draw a line on the proceedings we have laying down on the table. Which means we will be starting our next week's call on the creation of job descriptions for ALAC members, liaisons, and other At Large leaders which is going to be a very good thing because that's going to lead us into the rules of procedure workgroup which we will be basically ensuring that they pick up anything from the ALAC improvements, things that, that mandate. Go ahead Matt.
Matt Ashtiani: Hi, it's Matt Ashtiani for the record. I just want to know if you can please repeat the AI as you like it recorded.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes, that the task force will draft a recommendation to the ALAC for formation of a standing working group to deal with in-reach, outreach, and communication tools and materials and it will be a lot more [inaudible 48:46] but we put the charter together. So, that will do for the AI.
Matt Ashtiani: Thank you.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: In which case as we come to the top of the hour if everyone agrees, so that we can draw a line under those conversations now, on those two items and know where we are starting off next week, which actually we should progress fairly quickly because a lot we will just be punting over to the rules of procedure workgroup.
Can I ask anyone who will like to be part of the Adobe Connect Test Call before next week's call to play with and try and break the Adobe Connect room using all of its wonderful audio and other facilities, could you raise your hands now so staff can note you are. I'm certainly going to be part of that. I want to break the Adobe Connect room. Excellent, I see [inaudible 49:41], I see Dev, I see Rudi. I'll be there, Olivier will be there.
Olivier laughs because he just got volunteers and I'll be very surprised if Tijani wasn't there. But if not if Tijani could organize or I have Sala, excellent, good to see you there. Tijani it would be most important to have someone or one or two people from Africa on that call. Okay, if staff has noted that pristine group of people, oh yes it were some real volunteers as well. We'll get a doodle out and organize that call and Olivier you got the floor.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Thank you Cheryl, I wasn't actually asking for the floor. I just put my hand up like everyone else did.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I just thought your smile was like --
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: I didn't want to be lonely by myself there with a hand up, so there you go.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Excellent and look we started almost ten minutes, but I'm refusing to go past the top of the hour for these calls. So, I'll like to thank each and every one of you except Sala has her hand up. Go ahead Sala. Perhaps, Sala, her hand is still up from when she was volunteering in which case I will thank each an every one of you for your time today and look forward to a fully interactive Adobe Connect room next week.
When you come in to the room next week if you are on a telephone, ordinary telephone breach, you will need to mute the speakers and perhaps mute the audio. And if you aren't a telephone breach and you are in the room, just through the connect room, you will have to mute your microphone when you're not speaking otherwise we do get feedback. Olivier did you actually put your hand up this time or is it just a fantasy?
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: I did Cheryl.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay, over to you for the final word.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Thank you Cheryl, Olivier for the transcript. But just one more thing to add, I've seen several people have mentioned that they are getting echoes on this call. They might be using Skype to call in using the usual numbers and are also on the Adobe Connect room and what happens is that if the sound is on, on the Adobe Connect room at the same time as when you're on Skype then it sounds as though you have a very strong echo and that is not the line, that is because you're getting the same sound twice with a slightly different delay. You can mute it on the computer on the Adobe Connect mute conference audio only. Thank you.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: All right, thanks very much. Okay, thank you one and all. Goodbye for now, the same time next week.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Okay, bye-bye.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Goodbye.
Heidi Ulrich: Goodbye, thank you.
Olivier Crepin-LeBlond: Bye.
Matt Ashtiani: Bye-bye.
Heidi Ulrich: Bye.