Improvements Work Team B 26.01.11 Chat
Seth Greene: WT B CHAT: 26 JAN 2011
Gisella Gruber-White: Apology noted from Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Wolf Ludwig and Yaovi Atohoun
Gisella Gruber-White: Further apologies from Michel Tchonang and Moataz Shaarawy
Seth Greene: And Fouad will need to be about 20 minutes late; he sends his apologies. Hello, everyone.
Gisella Gruber-White: Fouad is on the call on mute as on the road.
Gisella Gruber-White: Will be at his computer in 15 minutes. If Annalisa can lead the call until then please.
Gisella Gruber-White: Baudoin Schombe has joined the call
Gisella Gruber-White: Sandra Hoferichter has joined the call
Annalisa: Hello Baudoin
Fouad Bajwa: Hi everyone.........out of traffic and infront of a computer now
Annalisa: Hello Fouad
Annalisa: lost the call...
Gisella Gruber-White: Sebastien Bachollet has just joined
Gisella Gruber-White: Annalisa - are you back on?
Annalisa: I am back on the call
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: agree with olivier that bylaws to RALOs would be needed - doubt there are changes to ICANN bylaws needed
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Fouad is very welcome to have access to EURALO's material on this (it's just a confluence page)
Matthias Langenegger: In addition to what Olivier just said, each RALO has an individual MOU with ICANN. However, NARALO is the only RALO whose MOU includes the possibility to have a seperate category for individual members. The other RALOs do not have that provision in their MOUs with ICANN which is why the MOU would need to be modified. This would require a public consultation process.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: sigh...meant to say changes to RALO bylaws would be needed
Fouad Bajwa: i actually didn't make a suggestion for change to ICANN Bylaws, i didn't have that idea, my proposal is only RALO level in my role as Co-Vice Chair of APRALO and would require a great degree of discussions with ALSs before it gets some shape
Sébastien: @Dev Not on the ICANN bylaws but depending on the MOU some feedback from ICANN Board could be needed.
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: If an ALS is created with the same privileges as the other ALSes, no bylaw change should be required
Fouad Bajwa: Exactly Olivier
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: If on the other hand, an individual class of membersip is created, then YES, a new MOU might need to be filed and this would require a public consultation process
Fouad Bajwa: the idea of the country name ALS is only for individuals that have no organizational or formal group representation
Annalisa: Fouad, NARALO may be worth looking at too. Let me know.
Fouad Bajwa: Yes, the idea was started from NARALO's process
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: *but* an ALS per country would create so many ALSes that this might unbalance the current ALSes and greatly reduce their voting power.
Fouad Bajwa: but the problem is the volume of countries and population in the APRALO region 45%+ internet population
Fouad Bajwa: but Olivier, the country level is a model
Fouad Bajwa: i am not sure if we will have @At-Large Laos, @At-Large Mongolia, etc
Fouad Bajwa: its based on the need if there is a certain level of membership
Fouad Bajwa: maybe, a good way to approach this may be a mix of EURALO and NARALO model
Matthias Langenegger: Fouad the two different approaches are also listed under "EURALO" at\\
Fouad Bajwa: that all individual applications be taken into one incubated ALS
Fouad Bajwa: and if the membership grows to large from a certain region, we incubate a country ALS
Sébastien: Sorry Fouad but if it is at the country level RALO don't need to be involve they "just" need to create an ALS
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: ALso some information on:\\
Fouad Bajwa: sorry
Fouad Bajwa: ALS
Fouad Bajwa: not RALO
Fouad Bajwa: typing can be tricky while listening to the call @Sebastien ;o)
Fouad Bajwa: btw, there is an ALS in APRALO called
Fouad Bajwa: At Large@China
Fouad Bajwa: so that is the name I was looking at At-Large@Country name for an incubated ALS
Fouad Bajwa: i was also looking at restricting such to a country that does not have any ALS in APRALO
Fouad Bajwa: I am still structuring the ideas to be presented to APRALO so I will take in todays comments and suggestions
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Re: Rec9 - work is in progress, but findings from this group would be very welcome in order to confirm that better services are required. This type of formal analysis is always helpful for ALAC to have when it requests improvements to service provides or arranged by ICANN
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: agree wtih Darlene and Sebastien
Sébastien: I am available on request ;)
Sébastien: Thanks
Sandra Hoferichter: Bye bye
Fouad Bajwa: bye all
Fouad Bajwa: :)
Annalisa 2: Thank you Fouad !!!
Seth Greene: Thank you, everyone.