Transmittal e-mail for ALAC Statement on Proposed Framework for FY12 Operating Plan & Budget
From: ICANN At-Large Staff []
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 8:19 PM
Cc: ICANN At-Large Staff; Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
Subject: Statement of the ALAC on the Proposed Framework for the FY12 Operating Plan and Budget
Dear Juan,
The At-Large staff has the honor to transmit to you the Statement on the Proposed Framework for the FY12 Operating Plan and Budget on behalf of the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC). This statement is currently undergoing the ALAC ratification process.
Tijani Ben Jemaa, ALAC Member and AFRALO Representative on the Executive Committee, originally composed this statement.
A wiki workspace on the Statement of the ALAC on the Proposed Framework for the FY12 Operating Plan and Budget was posted on 2 April. On that same day, a call for comments was sent to the ALAC Budget and Finance Sub-Committee and At-Large Improvements Work Team C mailing lists. On 4 April, an additional call for comments was sent to the ALAC-Announce mailing list.
After incorporating comments received, a second version (the present document) was created on 4 April 2011.
On 31 March 2011, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Chairman of the ALAC, requested the At-Large Staff to begin a five day ALAC vote on this statement starting 4 April 2011. We will inform you of the results of the ALAC vote.
Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene, Gisella Gruber-White, Marilyn Vernon,
ICANN At-Large Staff