Work Team C 19.01.11 Action Items

Work Team C 19.01.11 Action Items


Seth to link the Cartagena presentation (and MP3) on the FY12 budget to the WT C workspace.

  • Completed

Matthias to send an initial e-mail to the RALO leadership explaining the FY12 budgetary process, including a link to the At-Large FY12 budget workspace, emphasizing the need to relate requests to ICANN’s Strategic Plan, etc.  Then, Matthias to send a follow-up e-mail to anyone in the RALOs with whom he has a good working relationship in order to move the budgetary process forward.

  • Completed

Heidi to add the ALAC Statement on ICANN’s Strategic Plan to the At-Large FY12 budget workspace.

  • Completed

Heidi to include on ALAC agenda the appointment of an additional member from each region (not an ALAC member) to the ALAC’s Finance & Budget Subcommittee. 

  • Completed