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Participants: Alejandra Reynoso, Ben Fuller, Christelle Vaval, David McAuley, Dejan Djukic, Katrina Sataki, Maarten Simon, Margarita Valdes, Martin, Boyle, Mirjana Tasic, Stephen Deerhake

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, Joke braeken

Apologies: David McAuley (late)


  • Welcome and Roll-Call
  • Update meeting with ICANN implementation team on CSC
  • CSC Guideline discussion
  • Next steps
  • AOB


Action Items



Bart Boswinkel:Hi all
Christelle Vaval:Hi all!
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Good morning.
Kimberly Carlson:Hello everyone
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Good morning :)
Ben Fuller:Hello all
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Good morning Bart.
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Good morning Katrina!
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Good morning Katrina ;)
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Why get up early when you can just sty up all night?
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Yes, I'm awake.
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Stephen... It's 6am... Not sleeping is not advisable for me :)
Christelle Vaval:@Stephen not sure would be able to stay up until 7
Christelle Vaval::)
Katrina Sataki::)
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):yes we can start
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hello, I manage to came on time for this call
David McAuley:Sorry to be late, bad traffic
Kimberly Carlson:Margarita is on the phone bridge only
Stephen Deerhake (.as):No Metro for you David? :-)
David McAuley:Metro was awful - sad tale
David McAuley:I metro most days and ususally pretty good despite bad reputation
Stephen Deerhake (.as):I'm so old I remember seeing it being built.
David McAuley:me to Stephen,
Stephen Deerhake (.as):We have an outreach issue with regards to the CSC.
David McAuley:Good point Martin
Stephen Deerhake (.as):+1 Martin.
David McAuley:great idea Katrina
Ben Fuller:good point Katrina
David McAuley:we have done one of these "this is coming" emails recently
Ben Fuller:Perhaps a "this is coming" email with a basic outline of the requirements and process of selection?
Katrina Sataki:yes! we need to work on it
Martin Boyle:much clearer, Katrina. ccNSO should be sending more info on 16 May ad asking people to identify candidates
David McAuley:I wrote one of these "this is coming" emails for us recently, happy to try one for this topic as well
Ben Fuller:Ideally the email should come from council, but we could supply some draft text?
Kimberly Carlson:Doc is scrollable
Katrina Sataki:agree, it sould come from the Council but we should draft it - we have a clearer understanding of the process
Katrina Sataki:everybody COULD scroll :)
Kimberly Carlson:you can scroll now
Stephen Deerhake (.as):How many members are we looking for at the end of the day?
Bart Boswinkel:Members 2
Bart Boswinkel:for ccNSO
Bart Boswinkel:se page 2
David McAuley:that one seat (neither gTLD nor ccTLD) is optional as i recall - up top GNSO and ccNSO
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Thanks Katrina.
Ben Fuller:Agreed Martin
Bart Boswinkel:Please see top page 2
Bart Boswinkel:Letter is directed to SO/ACs
Martin Boyle:Understood
Martin Boyle:but we do need to alert that the ccnso is going to respond to this
Martin Boyle:and as such we need volunteers so start thinking now
Martin Boyle:inform as soon as possible
Martin Boyle:do we really need the adopted guideline?
Martin Boyle:Just that the work is in progress
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Outreach , Outreach, outreach.
Ben Fuller:I can help work on the email
Martin Boyle:@Stephen +1
Christelle Vaval:it was me. I changed only typos.
Kimberly Carlson:i'm sharing my screen, so let me know when you want me to move down the doc
David McAuley:Kim - I cant find doc - can you sent link to google docs doc
Stephen Deerhake (.as):+1 Katrina
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Kim, any chance you can make the document a wee bit bigger?
David McAuley:Kim - just found it
Kimberly Carlson:Sorry Stephen, made it bigger but it hid the comments
Stephen Deerhake (.as):@Martin +1
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Thanks for trying Kim...:-)
Joke Braeken:Link sent to the GRC mailing list on 22 April by Katrina:
David McAuley:Thanks Joke
Martin Boyle:@ Bart: fine
Stephen Deerhake (.as):"Good time" meaning what, 3-6 months?
Ben Fuller:After the initial appointment, then council will chose representatives annually, shouldn't this be part of the annual workplan?
David McAuley:that looks good
David McAuley:4.1 that is
Martin Boyle:looks good!
Martin Boyle:does heading 4 need to change?
Bart Boswinkel:Yes
Bart Boswinkel:@ Ben yes you are right an dthis is not the only one:-)
Martin Boyle:just delete "initial"?
Martin Boyle:fine by me
David McAuley:ok
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):ok
David McAuley:ok
Bart Boswinkel:Requirements as included in the ICANN announcemnt are:
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Is one day sufficient time?
Martin Boyle:i agree about knowledge
Martin Boyle:BUT!
David McAuley:I agree w Katrina and also that diversity should be an impiortant but not overriding goal
Ben Fuller:I also agree, we need the best people particularly in the beginning
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Understood Bart. I mis-read it.
Stephen Deerhake (.as):@Martin +1
Stephen Deerhake (.as):(with respect to bad signal)
David McAuley:Agree with Martin's "other things being equal" diversity point - in practice it should not work out that two members are from same region
Martin Boyle:active consideration!
Mirjana Tasic .rs:I agree with Martin's discussion on diversity
Martin Boyle:the way the wording is does not allow any leeway
Stephen Deerhake (.as):I agree with Martin that we need language that allows leeway.
Mirjana Tasic .rs:We cannot regulate everything, but we can give some gudelines
David McAuley:I will volunteer
Stephen Deerhake (.as):David, I will help you if you wish...
David McAuley:final list of five - thanks Katrina - I will take a stab at moving this forward, subjective decisions (vs elections) are always tough
Mirjana Tasic .rs:I also think that 3 years period wil be too much
David McAuley:Agree that the word "submit" has multiple meanings, some bad here - notify is the intent and maybe that is the word to be used
David McAuley:Thanks Stephen - wil take a stab and pass by you first and we can discuss if that is ok
David McAuley:I also think 3 year term too much - maybe 2 at first and we can amend if experience indicates that is ok
David McAuley:we can also block GNSO - the structure seems to encourage good deference
Bart Boswinkel:# year term is re
Stephen Deerhake (.as):That works David.
Bart Boswinkel:3 year term is included in CSC charter
David McAuley:OK Stephen, will do (probably later this week)'
David McAuley:Thanks Bart, was unaware of that
David McAuley:am here
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):I'm here
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Still here!
Martin Boyle:still here
Mirjana Tasic .rs:We are here
Ben Fuller:Still here :-)
Christelle Vaval:yes we are
Dejan Djukic:me too
David McAuley:That is a correct summary of my statement last time
Stephen Deerhake (.as):The underlying idea is that the CSC member appointed by ccNSO Council serves at the pleasure of the Council, and can be removed by Council at any point. The language could be improved.
Mirjana Tasic .rs:I agree with Martin' wording.
David McAuley:I have no additional comment on this - think both points have been fairly aired
Ben Fuller:Both points have good ideas and we should think about them and come back later
David McAuley:Good idea on successor list
Martin Boyle:we will be re-examining every year
Martin Boyle:won't we?
Ben Fuller:Council can select a candidate and then possible alternate candidates who serve if the original selection can no longer do so
Martin Boyle:@Ben: +1
David McAuley:I do - it is on final five candidiates and diversity
David McAuley:None here
Stephen Deerhake (.as):THANK YOU Katrina.
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye all. Thank you Katrina
David McAuley:Agree - many thanks Katrina and Bart - this is not easy
David McAuley:ok
Martin Boyle:thank you Katrina
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Thank you. Have a great day!
Ben Fuller:Till next time
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, bye
Christelle Vaval:thank you all
Martin Boyle:(and for being patient!)
David McAuley:Thanks all, good bye
Stephen Deerhake (.as):BYE!
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Bye :)
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Christelle Vaval:bye!
Dejan Djukic:bye!

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