1. What is contact information & What Taxonomies are Available?
2. Why are we doing this? Is this particular feature necessary?
3. Who gets access to what information?
4 Who are the Stakeholders - Who is Affected and What do They Want
5 How Much Would a Particular Feature Cost and How to Weigh the Costs Versus the Benefits
6 When Would Policy Come into Effect
8. Verification and validation
Main questions (from the charter)
- Whether it is desirable to translate contact information to a single common language or transliterate contact information to a single common script.
- Who should decide who should bear the burden [of] translating contact information to a single common language or transliterating contact information to a single common script.
Other questions (in the charter)
- What exactly the benefits to the community are of translating and/or transliterating contact data, especially in light of the costs that may be connected to translation and or transliteration?
- Should translation and/or transliteration of contact data be mandatory for all gTLDs?
- Should translation and/or transliteration of contact data be mandatory for all registrants or only those based in certain countries and/or using specific non-ASCII scripts?
- What impact will translation/transliteration of contact data have on the WHOIS validation as set out under the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement?
- When should any new policy relating to translation and transliteration of contact information come into effect?