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Why is there an ccNSO Review?

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Section 4.4(a) of ICANN’s Bylaws require that its structures, including the ccNSO, be reviewed on a five-year cycle.  According to the Bylaws, the goal of the review is to determine "(i) whether that organization, council or committee has a continuing purpose in the ICANN structure, (ii) if so, whether any change in structure or operations is desirable to improve its effectiveness and (iii) whether that organization, council or committee is accountable to its constituencies, stakeholder groups, organizations and other stakeholders."

This review is part of ICANN’s commitment to continuous improvement, accountability and transparency.  It uses mechanisms and measures to maintain public confidence in the viability, reliability and accountability of ICANN.

The ccNSO Review uses a new, improved approach to conducting reviews.  It will inform the work on evolving ICANN’s Review Framework, as part of the broader accountability discussion.

What is the scope of the ccNSO Review?

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Based on direction from the Board, the current review comprises an examination of ccNSO organizational effectiveness in accordance with the ICANN-provided objectives and quantifiable criteria. The Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board (OEC) is responsible for the oversight of ICANN’s organizational reviews.

The scope includes, but is not limited to:

  • An assessment of the implementation state of ccNSO's prior review;
  • An assessment of whether ccNSO has a continuing purpose within the ICANN structure;
  • An assessment of how effectively ccNSO fulfills its purpose and whether any change in structure or operations is needed to improve effectiveness; and
  • An assessment of the extent to which ccNSO as a whole is accountable to the wider ICANN community.

More information about the scope of the review can be found in the RFP overview document here.

The review and its requirements will be managed in a clear and scheduled process, empowering the ccNSO and broader community to be a part of the solution and improvement efforts. Community survey and interviews will provide the community with an opportunity to express their position review elements.

What role does the Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board play in the ccNSO Review?

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The Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC) of the ICANN Board is responsible for the review and oversight of policies relating to ICANN’s ongoing organizational review process, as mandated by Section 4.4(a) of ICANN’s Bylaws (Periodic Review of ICANN Structure and Operations).  For more information, see the Charter of the OEC.  In addition to providing oversight, the OEC confirms the Independent Examiner, accepts the final report and implementation plan and prepares recommendations for Board action. 

What is the ccNSO Review Work Party and what is its role?

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The Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC) of the Board has requested that an ccNSO Review Working Party be assembled to act as a liaison between the SSAC, the Independent Examiner and the OEC.  The Work Party will also provide input on review criteria and a community survey, coordinate interviews, and objectively supply clarification and responses to the draft findings and recommendations.  Once the final report is issued and the Board takes action on it, the ccNSO Review Work Party is expected to coordinate with the ccNSO community to prepare an Implementation Plan and champion implementation of improvement activities.

The membership of the ccNSO Review Work Party represents the diversity of the ccNSO community.  The activities of the ccNSO Review Work Party are conducted in an open and fully transparent manner.  Contact for more information.  See activities of the ccNSO Review Work Party on their wiki.


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